

本文档将主要考虑能在转换对话框中找到的转换设置,如下图所示。 所有这些设置也可以通过命令行界面进行转换,文档在 generated/zh-CN/ebook-convert 中。 在 Calibre 中,您可以通过将鼠标悬停在任何单独的设置上来获取帮助,然后会出现一个工具提示来描述该设置。





输入首先被恰当的*Input 插件*转换到 XHTML 。 HTML 接着被*转换*。在最后一步,已处理的XHTML通过适当的*Output 插件*转换为指定的输出格式。根据输入格式的不同,转换的结果可能会有很大的差异。 有些格式的转换效果要好于其他格式。 `这里<best-source-formats>`提供了最佳的转换源格式列表。


您可以通过使用调试选项 调试图标 查看此过程的实际情况。只需指定调试输出文件夹的路径即可。在转换过程中,calibre会将转换通道各个阶段生成的HTML放置在不同的子文件夹中。四个子文件夹是:







The result of pre-processing and converting to XHTML the output from the Input plugin. Use to debug structure detection.


Post structure detection, but before CSS flattening and font size conversion. Use to debug font size conversion and CSS transforms.


Just before the e-book is passed to the Output plugin. Use to debug the Output plugin.


This document will deal mainly with the various transforms that operate on the intermediate XHTML and how to control them. At the end are some tips specific to each input/output format.


This group of options controls various aspects of the look and feel of the converted e-book.




Normally, calibre will automatically choose a base font size appropriate to the output profile you have chosen (see 页面设置). However, you can override this here in case the default is not suitable for you.



Base font size : 12pt
Font size key  : 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20

The output document will have a base font size of 12pt, headings of 14 and 16pt and footnotes of 8pt. Now suppose we want to make the largest heading size stand out more and make the footnotes a little larger as well. To achieve this, the font key should be changed to:

New font size key : 7, 9, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22


All the font size rescaling in the conversion can also be disabled here, if you would like to preserve the font sizes in the input document.

一个相关的设置是“行高度”。行高度控制线的垂直高度。默认情况下(线高度为0),不执行行高度操作。如果指定非默认值,则将在所有未指定自己的行高度的位置设置行高度。然而,这是一种钝器,应该谨慎使用。如果你想调整输入的某些部分的行高,最好使用“Extra CSS <extra-css>”。

In this section you can also tell calibre to embed any referenced fonts into the book. This will allow the fonts to work on reader devices even if they are not available on the device.




最后是“输入字符编码”。旧文档有时不指定其字符编码。转换时,这可能会导致非英语字符或智能引号等特殊字符损坏。calibre尝试自动检测源文档的字符编码,但并不总是成功。您可以使用此设置强制它采用特定的字符编码`cp1252`是使用Windows软件生成的文档的常见编码。您还应该阅读“char encoding faq”以了解有关编码问题的更多信息。



If you want to remove the spacing between all paragraphs, except a select few, don't use these options. Instead add the following CSS code to Extra CSS:

p, div { margin: 0pt; border: 0pt; text-indent: 1.5em }
.spacious { margin-bottom: 1em; text-indent: 0pt; }

Then, in your source document, mark the paragraphs that need spacing with class="spacious". If your input document is not in HTML, use the Debug option, described in the Introduction to get HTML (use the input sub-folder).



“Extra CSS”选项允许您指定将应用于输入中所有HTML文件的任意CSS。此CSS具有很高的优先级,因此应该覆盖**输入文档**本身中存在的大多数CSS。您可以使用此设置微调文档的演示文稿/布局。例如,如果你想让`endnote`类的所有段落都对齐,只需添加:

.endnote { text-align: right }

or if you want to change the indentation of all paragraphs:

p { text-indent: 5mm; }

Extra CSS is a very powerful option, but you do need an understanding of how CSS works to use it to its full potential. You can use the debug pipeline option described above to see what CSS is present in your input document.

A simpler option is to use Filter style information. This allows you to remove all CSS properties of the specified types from the document. For example, you can use it to remove all colors or fonts.


This is the most powerful styling related facility. You can use it to define rules that change styles based on various conditions. For example you can use it to change all green colors to blue, or remove all bold styling from the text or color all headings a certain color, etc.

Transform HTML

Similar to transform styles, but allows you to make changes to the HTML content of the book. You can replace one tag with another, add classes or other attributes to tags based on their content, etc.




The output profile also controls the screen size. This will cause, for example, images to be auto-resized to be fit to the screen in some output formats. So choose a profile of a device that has a screen size similar to your device.



Enable heuristic processing

This option activates calibre's Heuristic processing stage of the conversion pipeline. This must be enabled in order for various sub-functions to be applied

Unwrap lines


Line-unwrap factor


Detect and markup unformatted chapter headings and sub headings

If your document does not have chapter headings and titles formatted differently from the rest of the text, calibre can use this option to attempt to detect them and surround them with heading tags. <h2> tags are used for chapter headings; <h3> tags are used for any titles that are detected.


The inserted headings are not formatted, to apply formatting use the Extra CSS option under the Look and Feel conversion settings. For example, to center heading tags, use the following:

h2, h3 { text-align: center }
Renumber sequences of <h1> or <h2> tags

Some publishers format chapter headings using multiple <h1> or <h2> tags sequentially. calibre's default conversion settings will cause such titles to be split into two pieces. This option will re-number the heading tags to prevent splitting.

Delete blank lines between paragraphs


Ensure scene breaks are consistently formatted


Replace scene breaks

If this option is configured then calibre will replace scene break markers it finds with the replacement text specified by the user. Please note that some ornamental characters may not be supported across all reading devices.

一般来说,你应该避免使用HTML标签,calibre会丢弃任何标签并使用预定义的标记。<hr />标签,即水平规则,<img>标签是例外。水平规则可以选择与样式一起指定,如果您选择添加自己的样式,请确保包含“宽度”设置,否则样式信息将被丢弃。可以使用图像标签,但calibre不提供在转换过程中添加图像的功能,这必须在事后使用“编辑书籍”功能完成。

Example image tag (place the image within an 'Images' folder inside the EPUB after conversion):

<img style="width:10%" src="../Images/scenebreak.png" />

Example horizontal rule with styles:

<hr style="width:20%;padding-top: 1px;border-top: 2px ridge black;border-bottom: 2px groove black;"/>

Remove unnecessary hyphens


Italicize common words and patterns

When enabled, calibre will look for common words and patterns that denote italics and italicize them. Examples are common text conventions such as ~word~ or phrases that should generally be italicized, e.g. latin phrases like 'etc.' or 'et cetera'.

Replace entity indents with CSS indents

Some documents use a convention of defining text indents using non-breaking space entities. When this option is enabled calibre will attempt to detect this sort of formatting and convert them to a 3% text indent using CSS.






Chapters and page breaks



By default, calibre uses the following expression for detecting chapters:

//*[((name()='h1' or name()='h2') and re:test(., 'chapter|book|section|part\s+', 'i')) or @class = 'chapter']


A related option is Chapter mark, which allows you to control what calibre does when it detects a chapter. By default, it will insert a page break before the chapter. You can have it insert a ruled line instead of, or in addition to the page break. You can also have it do nothing.

The default setting for detecting page breaks is:

//*[name()='h1' or name()='h2']

which means that calibre will insert page breaks before every <h1> and <h2> tag by default.


The default expressions may change depending on the input format you are converting.


There are a few more options in this section.

Insert metadata as page at start of book

One of the great things about calibre is that it allows you to maintain very complete metadata about all of your books, for example, a rating, tags, comments, etc. This option will create a single page with all this metadata and insert it into the converted e-book, typically just after the cover. Think of it as a way to create your own customised book jacket.

Remove first image






The first option is Force use of auto-generated Table of Contents. By checking this option you can have calibre override any Table of Contents found in the metadata of the input document with the auto generated one.






Suppose you have an input document that results in XHTML that look like this:

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
        <title>Sample document</title>
        <h1>Chapter 1</h1>
        <h2>Section 1.1</h2>
        <h2>Section 1.2</h2>
        <h1>Chapter 2</h1>
        <h2>Section 2.1</h2>

Then, we set the options as:

Level 1 TOC : //h:h1
Level 2 TOC : //h:h2

This will result in an automatically generated two level Table of Contents that looks like:

Chapter 1
    Section 1.1
    Section 1.2
Chapter 2
    Section 2.1


Not all output formats support a multi level Table of Contents. You should first try with EPUB output. If that works, then try your format of choice.

Using images as chapter titles when converting HTML input documents

Suppose you want to use an image as your chapter title, but still want calibre to be able to automatically generate a Table of Contents for you from the chapter titles. Use the following HTML markup to achieve this:

        <h2>Chapter 1</h2>
        <p>chapter 1 text...</p>
        <h2 title="Chapter 2"><img src="chapter2.jpg" /></h2>
        <p>chapter 2 text...</p>

Set the Level 1 TOC setting to //h:h2. Then, for chapter two, calibre will take the title from the value of the title attribute on the <h2> tag, since the tag has no text.

Using tag attributes to supply the text for entries in the Table of Contents

If you have particularly long chapter titles and want shortened versions in the Table of Contents, you can use the title attribute to achieve this, for example:

        <h2 title="Chapter 1">Chapter 1: Some very long title</h2>
        <p>chapter 1 text...</p>
        <h2 title="Chapter 2">Chapter 2: Some other very long title</h2>
        <p>chapter 2 text...</p>

Set the Level 1 TOC setting to //h:h2/@title. Then calibre will take the title from the value of the title attribute on the <h2> tags, instead of using the text inside the tag. Note the trailing /@title on the XPath expression, you can use this form to tell calibre to get the text from any attribute you like.

How options are set/saved for conversion

There are two places where conversion options can be set in calibre. The first is in Preferences->Conversion. These settings are the defaults for the conversion options. Whenever you try to convert a new book, the settings set here will be used by default.


When you bulk convert a set of books, settings are taken in the following order (last one wins):

  • From the defaults set in Preferences->Conversion

  • From the saved conversion settings for each book being converted (if any). This can be turned off by the option in the top left corner of the Bulk conversion dialog.

  • From the settings set in the Bulk conversion dialog



You can see the actual settings used during any conversion by clicking the rotating icon in the lower right corner and then double clicking the individual conversion job. This will bring up a conversion log that will contain the actual settings used, near the top.

Format specific tips

Here you will find tips specific to the conversion of particular formats. Options specific to particular format, whether input or output are available in the conversion dialog under their own section, for example TXT input or EPUB output.

转换Microsoft Word文档

calibre can automatically convert .docx files created by Microsoft Word 2007 and newer. Just add the file to calibre and click convert.


There is a demo .docx file that demonstrates the capabilities of the calibre conversion engine. Just download it and convert it to EPUB or AZW3 to see what calibre can do.

calibre will automatically generate a Table of Contents based on headings if you mark your headings with the Heading 1, Heading 2, etc. styles in Microsoft Word. Open the output e-book in the calibre E-book viewer and click the Table of Contents button to view the generated Table of Contents.

Older .doc files

对于较旧的.doc文件,您可以使用Microsoft Word将文档另存为HTML,然后使用calibre转换生成的HTML文件。保存为HTML时,请务必使用“另存为网页,已过滤”选项,因为这将生成转换良好的干净HTML。请注意,Word生成的HTML非常混乱,转换它可能需要很长时间,所以请耐心等待。如果您有较新版本的Word可用,也可以直接将其另存为.docx。

Another alternative is to use the free LibreOffice. Open your .doc file in LibreOffice and save it as .docx, which can be directly converted in calibre.



TXT input supports a number of options to differentiate how paragraphs are detected.

Paragraph style: Auto

Analyzes the text file and attempts to automatically determine how paragraphs are defined. This option will generally work fine, if you achieve undesirable results try one of the manual options.

Paragraph style: Block

Assumes one or more blank lines are a paragraph boundary:

This is the first.

This is the
second paragraph.
Paragraph style: Single

Assumes that every line is a paragraph:

This is the first.
This is the second.
This is the third.
Paragraph style: Print

Assumes that every paragraph starts with an indent (either a tab or 2+ spaces). Paragraphs end when the next line that starts with an indent is reached:

  This is the
  This is the second.

  This is the
Paragraph style: Unformatted

Assumes that the document has no formatting, but does use hard line breaks. Punctuation and median line length are used to attempt to re-create paragraphs.

Formatting style: Auto

Attempts to detect the type of formatting markup being used. If no markup is used then heuristic formatting will be applied.

Formatting style: Heuristic

Analyzes the document for common chapter headings, scene breaks, and italicized words and applies the appropriate HTML markup during conversion.

Formatting style: Markdown


Formatting style: None

Applies no special formatting to the text, the document is converted to HTML with no other changes.





  • Complex, multi-column, and image based documents are not supported.

  • Extraction of vector images and tables from within the document is also not supported.

  • Some PDFs use special glyphs to represent ll or ff or fi, etc. Conversion of these may or may not work depending on just how they are represented internally in the PDF.

  • 链接和目录不支持

  • PDFs that use embedded non-Unicode fonts to represent non-English characters will result in garbled output for those characters

  • Some PDFs are made up of photographs of the page with OCRed text behind them. In such cases calibre uses the OCRed text, which can be very different from what you see when you view the PDF file

  • PDFs that are used to display complex text, like right to left languages and math typesetting will not convert correctly

To re-iterate PDF is a really, really bad format to use as input. If you absolutely must use PDF, then be prepared for an output ranging anywhere from decent to unusable, depending on the input PDF.

Comic book collections

A comic book collection is a .cbc file. A .cbc file is a ZIP file that contains other CBZ/CBR files. In addition the .cbc file must contain a simple text file called comics.txt, encoded in UTF-8. The comics.txt file must contain a list of the comics files inside the .cbc file, in the form filename:title, as shown below:

one.cbz:Chapter One
two.cbz:Chapter Two
three.cbz:Chapter Three

The .cbc file will then contain:


calibre will automatically convert this .cbc file into a e-book with a Table of Contents pointing to each entry in comics.txt.

EPUB advanced formatting demo

Various advanced formatting for EPUB files is demonstrated in this demo file. The file was created from hand coded HTML using calibre and is meant to be used as a template for your own EPUB creation efforts.

The source HTML it was created from is available demo.zip. The settings used to create the EPUB from the ZIP file are:

ebook-convert demo.zip .epub -vv --authors "Kovid Goyal" --language en --level1-toc '//*[@class="title"]' --disable-font-rescaling --page-breaks-before / --no-default-epub-cover

Note that because this file explores the potential of EPUB, most of the advanced formatting is not going to work on readers less capable than calibre's built-in EPUB viewer.

Convert ODT documents

calibre can directly convert ODT (OpenDocument Text) files. You should use styles to format your document and minimize the use of direct formatting. When inserting images into your document you need to anchor them to the paragraph, images anchored to a page will all end up in the front of the conversion.

要启用章节的自动侦测,您需要使用名为“标题 1”、“标题2”、…`标题6`的内置样式标记它们(“标题1”相当于HTML标签"<h1>",“标题2”相当于"<h2>",以此类推)。当你在Calibre中转换时,你可以在“检测章节”框中输入你使用的样式。例子:

  • If you mark Chapters with style Heading 2, you have to set the 'Detect chapters at' box to //h:h2

  • For a nested TOC with Sections marked with Heading 2 and the Chapters marked with Heading 3 you need to enter //h:h2|//h:h3. On the Convert - TOC page set the Level 1 TOC box to //h:h2 and the Level 2 TOC box to //h:h3.

Well-known document properties (Title, Keywords, Description, Creator) are recognized and calibre will use the first image (not to small, and with good aspect-ratio) as the cover image.

There is also an advanced property conversion mode, which is activated by setting the custom property opf.metadata ('Yes or No' type) to Yes in your ODT document (File->Properties->Custom Properties). If this property is detected by calibre, the following custom properties are recognized (opf.authors overrides document creator):



To disable cover detection you can set the custom property opf.nocover ('Yes or No' type) to Yes in advanced mode.




You can insert arbitrary headers and footers on each page of the PDF by specifying header and footer templates. Templates are just snippets of HTML code that get rendered in the header and footer locations. For example, to display page numbers centered at the bottom of every page, in green, use the following footer template:

<footer><div style="margin: auto; color: green">_PAGENUM_</div></footer>

calibre will automatically replace _PAGENUM_ with the current page number. You can even put different content on even and odd pages, for example the following header template will show the title on odd pages and the author on even pages:

<header style="justify-content: flex-end">
    <div class="even-page">_AUTHOR_</div>
    <div class="odd-page"><i>_TITLE_</i></div>

calibre will automatically replace _TITLE_ and _AUTHOR_ with the title and author of the document being converted. Setting justify-content to flex-end will cause the text to be right aligned.

You can also display text at the left and right edges and change the font size, as demonstrated with this header template:

<header style="justify-content: space-between; font-size: smaller">

This will display the title at the left and the author at the right, in a font size smaller than the main text.

You can also use the current section in templates, as shown below:



You can even use JavaScript inside the header and footer templates, for example, the following template will cause page numbers to start at 4 instead of 1:

    <script>document.currentScript.parentNode.querySelector("div").innerHTML = "" + (_PAGENUM_ + 3)</script>

In addition there are some more variables you can use in the headers and footers, documented below:

  • _TOTAL_PAGES_ - total number of pages in the PDF file, useful for implementing a progress counter, for example.

  • _TOP_LEVEL_SECTION_PAGES_ - total number of pages in the current top level section

  • _TOP_LEVEL_SECTION_PAGENUM_ - the page number of the current page within the current top level section

  • _WIDTH_PIXELS_ - the width of the header/footer area in pixels

  • _HEIGHT_PIXELS_ - the height of the header/footer area in pixels


When adding headers and footers make sure you set the page top and bottom margins to large enough values, under the PDF Output section of the conversion dialog.


You can also insert a printable Table of Contents at the end of the PDF that lists the page numbers for every section. This is very useful if you intend to print out the PDF to paper. If you wish to use the PDF on an electronic device, then the PDF Outline provides this functionality and is generated by default.

You can customize the look of the generated Table of contents by using the Extra CSS conversion setting under the Look & feel part of the conversion dialog. The default CSS used is listed below, simply copy it and make whatever changes you like.

.calibre-pdf-toc table { width: 100%% }

.calibre-pdf-toc table tr td:last-of-type { text-align: right }

.calibre-pdf-toc .level-0 {
    font-size: larger;

.calibre-pdf-toc .level-1 td:first-of-type { padding-left: 1.4em }
.calibre-pdf-toc .level-2 td:first-of-type { padding-left: 2.8em }

Custom page margins for individual HTML files

If you are converting an EPUB or AZW3 file with multiple individual HTML files inside it and you want to change the page margins for a particular HTML file you can add the following style block to the HTML file using the calibre E-book editor:

@page {
    margin-left: 10pt;
    margin-right: 10pt;
    margin-top: 10pt;
    margin-bottom: 10pt;

Then, in the PDF output section of the conversion dialog, turn on the option to Use page margins from the document being converted. Now all pages generated from this HTML file will have 10pt margins.