The E-book viewer

calibre includes a built-in E-book viewer that can view all the major e-book formats. The E-book viewer is highly customizable and has many advanced features.

Starting the E-book viewer

You can view any of the books in your calibre library by selecting the book and pressing the View button. This will open up the book in the E-book viewer. You can also launch the E-book viewer by itself from the Start menu in Windows. On macOS, you can pin it to the dock and launch it from there. On Linux you can use its launcher in the desktop menus or run the command ebook-viewer.

Highlighting text

When you select text in the viewer, a little popup bar appears next to the selection. You can click the highlight button in that bar to create a highlight. You can add notes and change the color of the highlight. On a touch screen, long tap a word to select it and show the popup bar. Once in highlight mode you can change what text is selected, using touch screen friendly selection handles. Drag the handles to the top or bottom margins to scroll while selecting. You can also Shift+click or right click to extend the selection, particularly useful for multi-page selections.

You can use the Highlights button in the viewer controls to show a separate panel with a list of all highlights in the book, sorted by chapter.

You can browse all highlights in your entire calibre library by right clicking the View button and choosing Browse annotations.

Finally, if you use the calibre Content server’s in browser viewer, you can have the viewer sync its annotations with the browser viewer by going to Preferences → Miscellaneous in the viewer preferences and entering the username of the Content server viewer to sync with. Use the special value * to sync with anonymous users.

Czytać na głos

The viewer can read book text aloud. To use it you can simply click the Read aloud button in the viewer controls to start reading book text aloud. The word or sentence being currently read is highlighted. Speech is synthesized from the text using either the Piper neural text-to-speech engine or your operating system services for text-to-speech. You can change the backend and the voice being used by clicking the gear icon in the bar that is displayed while Read aloud is active.

You can also read aloud highlighted passages by adding the Read aloud button to the selection bar in the viewer preferences under Selection behavior.


Support for text-to-speech in browsers is very incomplete and bug-ridden so how well Read aloud will work in the in-browser viewer is dependent on how well the underlying browser supports text-to-speech.

Searching the text

The viewer has very powerful search capabilities. Press the Ctrl+F key or access the viewer controls and click search. The simplest form of searching is to just search for whatever text you enter in the text box. The different forms of searching are chosen by the search mode box below the search input. Available modes are:

  1. Contains - The simplest default mode. The text entered in the search box is searched for anywhere. All punctuation, accents and spaces are ignored. For example, the search: Pena will match all of the following: penal, pen a, pen.a and Peña. If you select the Case sensitive box then accents, spaces and punctuation are no longer ignored.

  2. Whole words - Searches for whole words. So for example, the search pena will match the word Peña but not the word Penal. As with Contains searches above, accents and punctuation are ignored unless the Case sensitive box is checked.

  3. Nearby words - Searches for whole words that are near each other. So for example, the search calibre cool will match places where the words calibre and cool occur within sixty characters of each other. To change the number of characters add the new number to the end of the list of words. For instance, calibre cool awesome 120 will match places where the three words occur within 120 characters of each other. Note that punctuation and accents are not ignored for these searches.

  4. Regex - Interprets the search text as a regular expression. To learn more about using regular expressions, see the tutorial.

Konfigurowanie wyglądu czytnika

You can change font sizes on the fly by using Font size in the viewer controls or Ctrl++ or Ctrl+- or holding the Ctrl key and using the mouse wheel.

Colors can be changed in the Colors section of the viewer preferences.

You can change the number of pages displayed on the screen as well as page margins in Page layout in the viewer preferences.

You can display custom headers and footers such as time left to read, current chapter title, book position, etc. via the Headers and footers section of the viewer preferences.

More advanced customization can be achieved by the Styles settings. Here you can specify a background image to display under the text and also a stylesheet you can set that will be applied to every book. Using it you can do things like change paragraph styles, text justification, etc. For examples of custom stylesheets used by calibre’s users, see the forums.

Wyszukiwanie w słowniku

You can look up the meaning of words in the current book by double clicking or long tapping the word you want to lookup and then clicking the lookup button that looks like a library.

Kopiowanie tekstu i grafiki

You can select text and images by dragging the content with your mouse and then right clicking and selecting Copy to copy to the clipboard. The copied material can be pasted into another application as plain text and images.

Zooming in on images

You can zoom in to show an image at full size in a separate window by either double clicking or long tapping on it. You can also right click on it and choose View image.

Syncing with a paper edition of the current book

Some e-books, that have corresponding print editions, include metadata that marks the start of each paper page. For such e-books, the viewer allows you to jump to a particular paper edition page via the Go to button in the viewer controls. You can also optionally display the paper page corresponding to the current location in the book’s headers or footers via the viewer settings, by adding Pages from paper edition to either the header or the footer.

Skróty klawiszowe

The viewer has extensive keyboard shortcuts, like the rest of calibre. They can be customised in the viewer Preferences. The default shortcuts are listed below:

Keyboard shortcuts for the calibre E-book viewer

Keyboard shortcut


Home, Ctrl+ArrowUp, Ctrl+ArrowLeft

Scroll to the start of the current file in a multi file book


Przewiń do początku książki


Przewiń do końca książki

End, Ctrl+ArrowDown, Ctrl+ArrowRight

Scroll to the end of the current file in a multi file book


Przewijaj do tyłu, płynnie w trybie przepływu i po pełnym ekranie w trybie stronicowania


Przewijaj do przodu, płynnie w trybie przepływu i przez pełny ekran w trybie stronicowania


Przewiń w lewo trochę w trybie przepływu i stronę w trybie stronicowania


Przewiń w prawo trochę w trybie przepływu i stronę w trybie stronicowania

PageUp, Shift+Spacebar

Przewiń do tyłu o pełne ekrany

PageDown, Spacebar

Przewiń do przodu o pełny ekran


Przewiń do poprzedniej sekcji


Przewiń do następnej sekcji






Toggle Table of Contents


Czytać na głos


Change settings quickly by creating and switching to profiles


Podążaj za linkami za pomocą klawiatury


Kopiuj do schowka


Skopiuj bieżącą lokalizację do schowka


Skopiuj bieżącą lokalizację jako calibre:// URL do schowka

/, Ctrl+f, Cmd+f


F3, Enter

Znajdź następny

Shift+F3, Shift+Enter

Znajdź poprzedni

Ctrl+Plus, Meta+Plus

Zwiększ rozmiar czcionki

Ctrl+Minus, Meta+Minus

Zmniejsz rozmiar czcionki


Przywróć domyślny rozmiar czcionki


Zwiększ liczbę stron na ekranie


Zmniejsz liczbę stron na ekranie


Ustaw liczbę stron na ekranie automatycznie

F11, Ctrl+Shift+F

Przełącz na tryb pełnoekranowy


Przełącz tekst między trybem stron a trybem ciągłym


Przełącz pasek przewijania


Przełącz tryb odniesienia


Pokaż/ukryj zakładki


Nowa zakładka

Ctrl+N, Ctrl+E

Pokaż metadane książki

Ctrl+Alt+F5, Ctrl+Alt+R

Załaduj ponownie


Zmień bieżący wybór w przód o słowo


Zmień bieżący wybór wstecz o słowo


Zmień bieżący wybór do przodu o znak


Zmień bieżący wybór wstecz o znak


Zmień bieżący wybór do przodu o linię


Rozszerz bieżący wybór do początku linii


Rozszerz bieżący wybór do końca wiersza


Zaznacz wszystko


Zmień bieżący wybór wstecz o linię


Zmień bieżący wybór do przodu o akapit


Zmień bieżące zaznaczenie wstecz o akapit

Esc, MenuKey

Pokaż elementy sterujące przeglądarki e-booków

Ctrl+Comma, Ctrl+Esc, Meta+Esc, Meta+Comma

Pokaż preferencje przeglądarki e-booków

Ctrl+G, ;, :

Idź do określonej lokalizacji lub pozycji


Przełącz automatyczne przewijanie


Szybsze autoprzewijanie


Wolniejsze autoprzewijanie


Pokaż/Ukryj Inspektora


Pokaż/ukryj panel wyszukiwania słów

Ctrl+Q (Cmd+Q on macOS)



Drukuj do PDF


Przełącz pasek narzędzi


Przełącz panel podświetlenia


Edytuj tą książkę

Non re-flowable content

Some books have very wide content that cannot be broken up at page boundaries. For example tables or <pre> tags. In such cases, you should switch the viewer to flow mode by pressing Ctrl+M to read this content. Alternately, you can also add the following CSS to the Styles section of the viewer preferences to force the viewer to break up lines of text in <pre> tags:

code, pre { white-space: pre-wrap }

Designing your book to work well with the calibre E-book viewer

The calibre E-book viewer will set the is-calibre-viewer class on the root element. So you can write CSS rules that apply only for it. Additionally, the viewer will set the following classes on the body element:


Set when using a dark color scheme


Set when using a light color scheme


Set when in paged mode


Set when in flow (non-paginated) mode


Set when displaying a popup footnote

Finally, you can use the calibre color scheme colors via CSS variables. The calibre E-book viewer defines the following variables: --calibre-viewer-background-color, --calibre-viewer-foreground-color and optionally --calibre-viewer-link-color in color themes that define a link color.