calibre.ebooks.oeb.polish.replace 源代码

#!/usr/bin/env python

__license__   = 'GPL v3'
__copyright__ = '2013, Kovid Goyal <kovid at>'
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

import codecs
import os
import posixpath
import shutil
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from functools import partial

from calibre import sanitize_file_name
from calibre.ebooks.chardet import strip_encoding_declarations
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.base import css_text
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.polish.css import iter_declarations, remove_property_value
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.polish.utils import extract
from polyglot.builtins import iteritems, itervalues
from polyglot.urllib import urlparse, urlunparse

class LinkReplacer:

    def __init__(self, base, container, link_map, frag_map):
        self.base = base
        self.frag_map = frag_map
        self.link_map = link_map
        self.container = container
        self.replaced = False

    def __call__(self, url):
        if url and url.startswith('#'):
            repl = self.frag_map(self.base, url[1:])
            if not repl or repl == url[1:]:
                return url
            self.replaced = True
            return '#' + repl
        name = self.container.href_to_name(url, self.base)
        if not name:
            return url
        nname = self.link_map.get(name, None)
        if not nname:
            return url
        purl = urlparse(url)
        href = self.container.name_to_href(nname, self.base)
        if purl.fragment:
            nfrag = self.frag_map(name, purl.fragment)
            if nfrag:
                href += f'#{nfrag}'
        if href != url:
            self.replaced = True
        return href

class IdReplacer:

    def __init__(self, base, container, id_map):
        self.base, self.container, self.replaced = base, container, False
        self.id_map = id_map

    def __call__(self, url):
        if url and url.startswith('#'):
            repl = self.id_map.get(self.base, {}).get(url[1:])
            if repl is None or repl == url[1:]:
                return url
            self.replaced = True
            return '#' + repl
        name = self.container.href_to_name(url, self.base)
        if not name:
            return url
        id_map = self.id_map.get(name)
        if id_map is None:
            return url
        purl = urlparse(url)
        nfrag = id_map.get(purl.fragment)
        if nfrag is None:
            return url
        purl = purl._replace(fragment=nfrag)
        href = urlunparse(purl)
        if href != url:
            self.replaced = True
        return href

class LinkRebaser:

    def __init__(self, container, old_name, new_name):
        self.old_name, self.new_name = old_name, new_name
        self.container = container
        self.replaced = False

    def __call__(self, url):
        if url and url.startswith('#'):
            return url
        purl = urlparse(url)
        frag = purl.fragment
        name = self.container.href_to_name(url, self.old_name)
        if not name:
            return url
        if name == self.old_name:
            name = self.new_name
        href = self.container.name_to_href(name, self.new_name)
        if frag:
            href += '#' + frag
        if href != url:
            self.replaced = True
        return href

def replace_ids(container, id_map):
    Replace all links in the container that pointed to the changed ids.

    :param id_map: A mapping of {name:id_map} where each id_map is a mapping of {old_id:new_id}
    :return: True iff at least one link was changed

    changed = False
    for name, media_type in iteritems(container.mime_map):
        repl = IdReplacer(name, container, id_map)
        container.replace_links(name, repl)
        if name == container.opf_name:
            imap = id_map.get(name, {})
            for item in container.opf_xpath('//*[@idref]'):
                old_id = item.get('idref')
                if old_id is not None:
                    new_id = imap.get(old_id)
                    if new_id is not None:
                        item.set('idref', new_id)
        if repl.replaced:
            changed = True
    return changed

def smarten_punctuation(container, report):
    from calibre.ebooks.conversion.preprocess import smarten_punctuation
    smartened = False
    for path in container.spine_items:
        name = container.abspath_to_name(path)
        changed = False
        with, 'r+b') as f:
            html = container.decode(
            newhtml = smarten_punctuation(html, container.log)
            if newhtml != html:
                changed = True
                report(_('Smartened punctuation in: %s')%name)
                newhtml = strip_encoding_declarations(newhtml)
                f.write(codecs.BOM_UTF8 + newhtml.encode('utf-8'))
        if changed:
            # Add an encoding declaration (it will be added automatically when
            # serialized)
            root = container.parsed(name)
            for m in root.xpath('descendant::*[local-name()="meta" and @http-equiv]'):
            smartened = True
    if not smartened:
        report(_('No punctuation that could be smartened found'))
    return smartened

[文档] def rename_files(container, file_map): ''' Rename files in the container, automatically updating all links to them. :param file_map: A mapping of old canonical name to new canonical name, for example: :code:`{'text/chapter1.html': 'chapter1.html'}`. ''' overlap = set(file_map).intersection(set(itervalues(file_map))) if overlap: raise ValueError('Circular rename detected. The files {} are both rename targets and destinations'.format(', '.join(overlap))) for name, dest in iteritems(file_map): if container.exists(dest): if name != dest and name.lower() == dest.lower(): # A case change on an OS with a case insensitive file-system. continue raise ValueError(f'Cannot rename {name} to {dest} as {dest} already exists') if len(tuple(itervalues(file_map))) != len(set(itervalues(file_map))): raise ValueError('Cannot rename, the set of destination files contains duplicates') link_map = {} for current_name, new_name in iteritems(file_map): container.rename(current_name, new_name) if new_name != container.opf_name: # OPF is handled by the container link_map[current_name] = new_name replace_links(container, link_map, replace_in_opf=True)
def replace_file(container, name, path, basename, force_mt=None): dirname, base = name.rpartition('/')[0::2] nname = sanitize_file_name(basename) if dirname: nname = dirname + '/' + nname with open(path, 'rb') as src: if name != nname: count = 0 b, e = nname.rpartition('.')[0::2] while container.exists(nname): count += 1 nname = b + f'_{count}.{e}' rename_files(container, {name:nname}) mt = force_mt or container.guess_type(nname) container.mime_map[nname] = mt for itemid, q in iteritems(container.manifest_id_map): if q == nname: for item in container.opf_xpath(f'//opf:manifest/opf:item[@href and @id="{itemid}"]'): item.set('media-type', mt) container.dirty(container.opf_name) with, 'wb') as dest: shutil.copyfileobj(src, dest) def mt_to_category(container, mt): from calibre.ebooks.oeb.base import OEB_DOCS, OEB_STYLES from calibre.ebooks.oeb.polish.utils import OEB_FONTS, guess_type if mt in OEB_DOCS: category = 'text' elif mt in OEB_STYLES: category = 'style' elif mt in OEB_FONTS: category = 'font' elif mt == guess_type('a.opf'): category = 'opf' elif mt == guess_type('a.ncx'): category = 'toc' else: category = mt.partition('/')[0] return category def normalize_case(container, val): def safe_listdir(x): try: return os.listdir(x) except OSError: return () parts = val.split('/') ans = [] for i in range(len(parts)): q = '/'.join(parts[:i+1]) x = container.name_to_abspath(q) xl = parts[i].lower() candidates = [c for c in safe_listdir(os.path.dirname(x)) if c != parts[i] and c.lower() == xl] ans.append(candidates[0] if candidates else parts[i]) return '/'.join(ans) def rationalize_folders(container, folder_type_map): all_names = set(container.mime_map) new_names = set() name_map = {} for key in tuple(folder_type_map): val = folder_type_map[key] folder_type_map[key] = normalize_case(container, val) for name in all_names: if name.startswith('META-INF/'): continue category = mt_to_category(container, container.mime_map[name]) folder = folder_type_map.get(category, None) if folder is not None: bn = posixpath.basename(name) new_name = posixpath.join(folder, bn) if new_name != name: c = 0 while new_name in all_names or new_name in new_names: c += 1 n, ext = bn.rpartition('.')[0::2] new_name = posixpath.join(folder, f'{n}_{c}.{ext}') name_map[name] = new_name new_names.add(new_name) return name_map def remove_links_in_sheet(href_to_name, sheet, predicate): import_rules_to_remove = [] changed = False for i, r in enumerate(sheet): if r.type == r.IMPORT_RULE: name = href_to_name(r.href) if predicate(name, r.href, None): import_rules_to_remove.append(i) for i in sorted(import_rules_to_remove, reverse=True): sheet.deleteRule(i) changed = True for dec in iter_declarations(sheet): changed = remove_links_in_declaration(href_to_name, dec, predicate) or changed return changed def remove_links_in_declaration(href_to_name, style, predicate): def check_pval(v): if v.type == v.URI: name = href_to_name(v.uri) return predicate(name, v.uri, None) return False changed = False for p in tuple(style.getProperties(all=True)): changed = remove_property_value(p, check_pval) or changed return changed def remove_links_to(container, predicate): ''' predicate must be a function that takes the arguments (name, href, fragment=None) and returns True iff the link should be removed ''' from calibre.ebooks.oeb.base import OEB_DOCS, OEB_STYLES, XHTML, XPath, iterlinks stylepath = XPath('//h:style') styleattrpath = XPath('//*[@style]') changed = set() for name, mt in iteritems(container.mime_map): removed = False if mt in OEB_DOCS: root = container.parsed(name) for el, attr, href, pos in iterlinks(root, find_links_in_css=False): hname = container.href_to_name(href, name) frag = href.partition('#')[-1] if predicate(hname, href, frag): if attr is None: el.text = None else: if el.tag == XHTML('link') or el.tag == XHTML('img'): extract(el) else: del el.attrib[attr] removed = True for tag in stylepath(root): if tag.text and (tag.get('type') or 'text/css').lower() == 'text/css': sheet = container.parse_css(tag.text) if remove_links_in_sheet(partial(container.href_to_name, base=name), sheet, predicate): tag.text = css_text(sheet) removed = True for tag in styleattrpath(root): style = tag.get('style') if style: style = container.parse_css(style, is_declaration=True) if remove_links_in_declaration(partial(container.href_to_name, base=name), style, predicate): removed = True tag.set('style', css_text(style)) elif mt in OEB_STYLES: removed = remove_links_in_sheet(partial(container.href_to_name, base=name), container.parsed(name), predicate) if removed: changed.add(name) for i in changed: container.dirty(i) return changed def get_spine_order_for_all_files(container): linear_names, non_linear_names = [], [] for name, is_linear in container.spine_names: (linear_names if is_linear else non_linear_names).append(name) all_names = linear_names + non_linear_names spine_names = frozenset(all_names) ans = {} for spine_pos, name in enumerate(all_names): ans.setdefault(name, (spine_pos, -1)) for i, href in enumerate(container.iterlinks(name, get_line_numbers=False)): lname = container.href_to_name(href, name) if lname not in spine_names: ans.setdefault(lname, (spine_pos, i)) return ans