#!/usr/bin/env python
__license__ = 'GPL v3'
__copyright__ = '2013, Kovid Goyal <kovid at kovidgoyal.net>'
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
import codecs
import os
import posixpath
import shutil
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from functools import partial
from calibre import sanitize_file_name
from calibre.ebooks.chardet import strip_encoding_declarations
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.base import css_text
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.polish.css import iter_declarations, remove_property_value
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.polish.utils import extract
from polyglot.builtins import iteritems, itervalues
from polyglot.urllib import urlparse, urlunparse
class LinkReplacer:
def __init__(self, base, container, link_map, frag_map):
self.base = base
self.frag_map = frag_map
self.link_map = link_map
self.container = container
self.replaced = False
def __call__(self, url):
if url and url.startswith('#'):
repl = self.frag_map(self.base, url[1:])
if not repl or repl == url[1:]:
return url
self.replaced = True
return '#' + repl
name = self.container.href_to_name(url, self.base)
if not name:
return url
nname = self.link_map.get(name, None)
if not nname:
return url
purl = urlparse(url)
href = self.container.name_to_href(nname, self.base)
if purl.fragment:
nfrag = self.frag_map(name, purl.fragment)
if nfrag:
href += f'#{nfrag}'
if href != url:
self.replaced = True
return href
class IdReplacer:
def __init__(self, base, container, id_map):
self.base, self.container, self.replaced = base, container, False
self.id_map = id_map
def __call__(self, url):
if url and url.startswith('#'):
repl = self.id_map.get(self.base, {}).get(url[1:])
if repl is None or repl == url[1:]:
return url
self.replaced = True
return '#' + repl
name = self.container.href_to_name(url, self.base)
if not name:
return url
id_map = self.id_map.get(name)
if id_map is None:
return url
purl = urlparse(url)
nfrag = id_map.get(purl.fragment)
if nfrag is None:
return url
purl = purl._replace(fragment=nfrag)
href = urlunparse(purl)
if href != url:
self.replaced = True
return href
class LinkRebaser:
def __init__(self, container, old_name, new_name):
self.old_name, self.new_name = old_name, new_name
self.container = container
self.replaced = False
def __call__(self, url):
if url and url.startswith('#'):
return url
purl = urlparse(url)
frag = purl.fragment
name = self.container.href_to_name(url, self.old_name)
if not name:
return url
if name == self.old_name:
name = self.new_name
href = self.container.name_to_href(name, self.new_name)
if frag:
href += '#' + frag
if href != url:
self.replaced = True
return href
def replace_links(container, link_map, frag_map=lambda name, frag:frag, replace_in_opf=False):
Replace links to files in the container. Will iterate over all files in the container and change the specified links in them.
:param link_map: A mapping of old canonical name to new canonical name. For example: :code:`{'images/old.png': 'images/new.png'}`
:param frag_map: A callable that takes two arguments ``(name, anchor)`` and
returns a new anchor. This is useful if you need to change the anchors in
HTML files. By default, it does nothing.
:param replace_in_opf: If False, links are not replaced in the OPF file.
for name, media_type in iteritems(container.mime_map):
if name == container.opf_name and not replace_in_opf:
repl = LinkReplacer(name, container, link_map, frag_map)
container.replace_links(name, repl)
def replace_ids(container, id_map):
Replace all links in the container that pointed to the changed ids.
:param id_map: A mapping of {name:id_map} where each id_map is a mapping of {old_id:new_id}
:return: True iff at least one link was changed
changed = False
for name, media_type in iteritems(container.mime_map):
repl = IdReplacer(name, container, id_map)
container.replace_links(name, repl)
if name == container.opf_name:
imap = id_map.get(name, {})
for item in container.opf_xpath('//*[@idref]'):
old_id = item.get('idref')
if old_id is not None:
new_id = imap.get(old_id)
if new_id is not None:
item.set('idref', new_id)
if repl.replaced:
changed = True
return changed
def smarten_punctuation(container, report):
from calibre.ebooks.conversion.preprocess import smarten_punctuation
smartened = False
for path in container.spine_items:
name = container.abspath_to_name(path)
changed = False
with container.open(name, 'r+b') as f:
html = container.decode(f.read())
newhtml = smarten_punctuation(html, container.log)
if newhtml != html:
changed = True
report(_('Smartened punctuation in: %s')%name)
newhtml = strip_encoding_declarations(newhtml)
f.write(codecs.BOM_UTF8 + newhtml.encode('utf-8'))
if changed:
# Add an encoding declaration (it will be added automatically when
# serialized)
root = container.parsed(name)
for m in root.xpath('descendant::*[local-name()="meta" and @http-equiv]'):
smartened = True
if not smartened:
report(_('No punctuation that could be smartened found'))
return smartened
def rename_files(container, file_map):
Rename files in the container, automatically updating all links to them.
:param file_map: A mapping of old canonical name to new canonical name, for
example: :code:`{'text/chapter1.html': 'chapter1.html'}`.
overlap = set(file_map).intersection(set(itervalues(file_map)))
if overlap:
raise ValueError('Circular rename detected. The files {} are both rename targets and destinations'.format(', '.join(overlap)))
for name, dest in iteritems(file_map):
if container.exists(dest):
if name != dest and name.lower() == dest.lower():
# A case change on an OS with a case insensitive file-system.
raise ValueError(f'Cannot rename {name} to {dest} as {dest} already exists')
if len(tuple(itervalues(file_map))) != len(set(itervalues(file_map))):
raise ValueError('Cannot rename, the set of destination files contains duplicates')
link_map = {}
for current_name, new_name in iteritems(file_map):
container.rename(current_name, new_name)
if new_name != container.opf_name: # OPF is handled by the container
link_map[current_name] = new_name
replace_links(container, link_map, replace_in_opf=True)
def replace_file(container, name, path, basename, force_mt=None):
dirname, base = name.rpartition('/')[0::2]
nname = sanitize_file_name(basename)
if dirname:
nname = dirname + '/' + nname
with open(path, 'rb') as src:
if name != nname:
count = 0
b, e = nname.rpartition('.')[0::2]
while container.exists(nname):
count += 1
nname = b + f'_{count}.{e}'
rename_files(container, {name:nname})
mt = force_mt or container.guess_type(nname)
container.mime_map[nname] = mt
for itemid, q in iteritems(container.manifest_id_map):
if q == nname:
for item in container.opf_xpath(f'//opf:manifest/opf:item[@href and @id="{itemid}"]'):
item.set('media-type', mt)
with container.open(nname, 'wb') as dest:
shutil.copyfileobj(src, dest)
def mt_to_category(container, mt):
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.base import OEB_DOCS, OEB_STYLES
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.polish.utils import OEB_FONTS, guess_type
if mt in OEB_DOCS:
category = 'text'
elif mt in OEB_STYLES:
category = 'style'
elif mt in OEB_FONTS:
category = 'font'
elif mt == guess_type('a.opf'):
category = 'opf'
elif mt == guess_type('a.ncx'):
category = 'toc'
category = mt.partition('/')[0]
return category
def get_recommended_folders(container, names):
''' Return the folders that are recommended for the given filenames. The
recommendation is based on where the majority of files of the same type are
located in the container. If no files of a particular type are present, the
recommended folder is assumed to be the folder containing the OPF file. '''
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.polish.utils import guess_type
counts = defaultdict(Counter)
for name, mt in iteritems(container.mime_map):
folder = name.rpartition('/')[0] if '/' in name else ''
counts[mt_to_category(container, mt)][folder] += 1
opf_folder = counts['opf'].most_common(1)[0][0]
except KeyError:
opf_folder = ''
recommendations = {category:counter.most_common(1)[0][0] for category, counter in iteritems(counts)}
return {n:recommendations.get(mt_to_category(container, guess_type(os.path.basename(n))), opf_folder) for n in names}
def normalize_case(container, val):
def safe_listdir(x):
return os.listdir(x)
except OSError:
return ()
parts = val.split('/')
ans = []
for i in range(len(parts)):
q = '/'.join(parts[:i+1])
x = container.name_to_abspath(q)
xl = parts[i].lower()
candidates = [c for c in safe_listdir(os.path.dirname(x)) if c != parts[i] and c.lower() == xl]
ans.append(candidates[0] if candidates else parts[i])
return '/'.join(ans)
def rationalize_folders(container, folder_type_map):
all_names = set(container.mime_map)
new_names = set()
name_map = {}
for key in tuple(folder_type_map):
val = folder_type_map[key]
folder_type_map[key] = normalize_case(container, val)
for name in all_names:
if name.startswith('META-INF/'):
category = mt_to_category(container, container.mime_map[name])
folder = folder_type_map.get(category, None)
if folder is not None:
bn = posixpath.basename(name)
new_name = posixpath.join(folder, bn)
if new_name != name:
c = 0
while new_name in all_names or new_name in new_names:
c += 1
n, ext = bn.rpartition('.')[0::2]
new_name = posixpath.join(folder, f'{n}_{c}.{ext}')
name_map[name] = new_name
return name_map
def remove_links_in_sheet(href_to_name, sheet, predicate):
import_rules_to_remove = []
changed = False
for i, r in enumerate(sheet):
if r.type == r.IMPORT_RULE:
name = href_to_name(r.href)
if predicate(name, r.href, None):
for i in sorted(import_rules_to_remove, reverse=True):
changed = True
for dec in iter_declarations(sheet):
changed = remove_links_in_declaration(href_to_name, dec, predicate) or changed
return changed
def remove_links_in_declaration(href_to_name, style, predicate):
def check_pval(v):
if v.type == v.URI:
name = href_to_name(v.uri)
return predicate(name, v.uri, None)
return False
changed = False
for p in tuple(style.getProperties(all=True)):
changed = remove_property_value(p, check_pval) or changed
return changed
def remove_links_to(container, predicate):
''' predicate must be a function that takes the arguments (name, href,
fragment=None) and returns True iff the link should be removed '''
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.base import OEB_DOCS, OEB_STYLES, XHTML, XPath, iterlinks
stylepath = XPath('//h:style')
styleattrpath = XPath('//*[@style]')
changed = set()
for name, mt in iteritems(container.mime_map):
removed = False
if mt in OEB_DOCS:
root = container.parsed(name)
for el, attr, href, pos in iterlinks(root, find_links_in_css=False):
hname = container.href_to_name(href, name)
frag = href.partition('#')[-1]
if predicate(hname, href, frag):
if attr is None:
el.text = None
if el.tag == XHTML('link') or el.tag == XHTML('img'):
del el.attrib[attr]
removed = True
for tag in stylepath(root):
if tag.text and (tag.get('type') or 'text/css').lower() == 'text/css':
sheet = container.parse_css(tag.text)
if remove_links_in_sheet(partial(container.href_to_name, base=name), sheet, predicate):
tag.text = css_text(sheet)
removed = True
for tag in styleattrpath(root):
style = tag.get('style')
if style:
style = container.parse_css(style, is_declaration=True)
if remove_links_in_declaration(partial(container.href_to_name, base=name), style, predicate):
removed = True
tag.set('style', css_text(style))
elif mt in OEB_STYLES:
removed = remove_links_in_sheet(partial(container.href_to_name, base=name), container.parsed(name), predicate)
if removed:
for i in changed:
return changed
def get_spine_order_for_all_files(container):
linear_names, non_linear_names = [], []
for name, is_linear in container.spine_names:
(linear_names if is_linear else non_linear_names).append(name)
all_names = linear_names + non_linear_names
spine_names = frozenset(all_names)
ans = {}
for spine_pos, name in enumerate(all_names):
ans.setdefault(name, (spine_pos, -1))
for i, href in enumerate(container.iterlinks(name, get_line_numbers=False)):
lname = container.href_to_name(href, name)
if lname not in spine_names:
ans.setdefault(lname, (spine_pos, i))
return ans