calibre.gui2.tweak_book.plugin 的原始碼
#!/usr/bin/env python
__license__ = 'GPL v3'
__copyright__ = '2014, Kovid Goyal <kovid at>'
import importlib
import sys
from qt.core import QToolButton
from calibre import prints
from calibre.customize import PluginInstallationType
from calibre.customize.ui import all_edit_book_tool_plugins
from calibre.gui2.tweak_book import current_container, tprefs
from calibre.gui2.tweak_book.boss import get_boss
from polyglot.builtins import itervalues
class Tool:
The base class for individual tools in an Edit Book plugin. Useful members include:
* ``self.plugin``: A reference to the :class:`calibre.customize.Plugin` object to which this tool belongs.
* self. :attr:`boss`
* self. :attr:`gui`
Methods that must be overridden in sub classes:
* :meth:`create_action`
* :meth:`register_shortcut`
#: Set this to a unique name it will be used as a key
name = None
#: If True the user can choose to place this tool in the plugins toolbar
allowed_in_toolbar = True
#: If True the user can choose to place this tool in the plugins menu
allowed_in_menu = True
#: The popup mode for the menu (if any) of the toolbar button. Possible values are 'delayed', 'instant', 'button'
toolbar_button_popup_mode = 'delayed'
def boss(self):
' The :class:`calibre.gui2.tweak_book.boss.Boss` object. Used to control the user interface. '
return get_boss()
def gui(self):
' The main window of the user interface '
return self.boss.gui
def current_container(self):
' Return the current :class:`calibre.ebooks.oeb.polish.container.Container` object that represents the book being edited. '
return current_container()
def register_shortcut(self, qaction, unique_name, default_keys=(), short_text=None, description=None, **extra_data):
Register a keyboard shortcut that will trigger the specified ``qaction``. This keyboard shortcut
will become automatically customizable by the user in the Keyboard shortcuts section of the editor preferences.
:param qaction: A QAction object, it will be triggered when the
configured key combination is pressed by the user.
:param unique_name: A unique name for this shortcut/action. It will be
used internally, it must not be shared by any other actions in this
:param default_keys: A list of the default keyboard shortcuts. If not
specified no default shortcuts will be set. If the shortcuts specified
here conflict with either builtin shortcuts or shortcuts from user
configuration/other plugins, they will be ignored. In that case, users
will have to configure the shortcuts manually via Preferences. For example:
``default_keys=('Ctrl+J', 'F9')``.
:param short_text: An optional short description of this action. If not
specified the text from the QAction will be used.
:param description: An optional longer description of this action, it
will be used in the preferences entry for this shortcut.
short_text = short_text or str(qaction.text()).replace('&&', '\0').replace('&', '').replace('\0', '&')
self.gui.keyboard.register_shortcut( + '_' + unique_name, short_text, default_keys=default_keys, action=qaction,
description=description or '', group=_('Plugins'))
def create_action(self, for_toolbar=True):
Create a QAction that will be added to either the plugins toolbar or
the plugins menu depending on ``for_toolbar``. For example::
def create_action(self, for_toolbar=True):
ac = QAction(get_icons('myicon.png'), 'Do something')
if for_toolbar:
# We want the toolbar button to have a popup menu
menu = QMenu()
menu.addAction('Do something else')
subaction = menu.addAction('And another')
# Register a keyboard shortcut for this toolbar action be
# careful to do this for only one of the toolbar action or
# the menu action, not both.
self.register_shortcut(ac, 'some-unique-name', default_keys=('Ctrl+K',))
return ac
.. seealso:: Method :meth:`register_shortcut`.
raise NotImplementedError()
def load_plugin_tools(plugin):
main = importlib.import_module(plugin.__class__.__module__+'.main')
except ImportError:
import traceback
for x in itervalues(vars(main)):
if isinstance(x, type) and x is not Tool and issubclass(x, Tool):
ans = x()
ans.plugin = plugin
yield ans
def plugin_action_sid(plugin, tool, for_toolbar=True):
return + + ('toolbar' if for_toolbar else 'menu')
plugin_toolbar_actions = []
def create_plugin_action(plugin, tool, for_toolbar, actions=None, toolbar_actions=None, plugin_menu_actions=None):
ac = tool.create_action(for_toolbar=for_toolbar)
if ac is None:
raise RuntimeError('create_action() failed to return an action')
except Exception:
prints('Failed to create action for tool:',
import traceback
sid = plugin_action_sid(plugin, tool, for_toolbar)
if actions is not None and sid in actions:
prints(f'The {} tool from the {} plugin has a non unique name, ignoring')
if actions is not None:
actions[sid] = ac
ac.sid = sid
if for_toolbar:
if toolbar_actions is not None:
toolbar_actions[sid] = ac
ac.popup_mode = {'instant':QToolButton.ToolButtonPopupMode.InstantPopup, 'button':QToolButton.ToolButtonPopupMode.MenuButtonPopup}.get(
tool.toolbar_button_popup_mode, QToolButton.ToolButtonPopupMode.DelayedPopup)
if plugin_menu_actions is not None:
return ac
_tool_memory = [] # Needed to prevent the tool object from being garbage collected
def create_plugin_actions(actions, toolbar_actions, plugin_menu_actions):
del _tool_memory[:]
del plugin_toolbar_actions[:]
for plugin in all_edit_book_tool_plugins():
tools = tuple(load_plugin_tools(plugin))
except Exception:
if plugin.installation_type is PluginInstallationType.BUILTIN:
print('Failed to load third-party plugin:',, file=sys.stderr)
import traceback
for tool in tools:
if tool.allowed_in_toolbar:
create_plugin_action(plugin, tool, True, actions, toolbar_actions, plugin_menu_actions)
if tool.allowed_in_menu:
create_plugin_action(plugin, tool, False, actions, toolbar_actions, plugin_menu_actions)
def install_plugin(plugin):
for tool in load_plugin_tools(plugin):
if tool.allowed_in_toolbar:
sid = plugin_action_sid(plugin, tool, True)
if sid not in tprefs['global_plugins_toolbar']:
tprefs['global_plugins_toolbar'] = tprefs['global_plugins_toolbar'] + [sid]