__license__ = 'GPL v3'
__copyright__ = '2013, Kovid Goyal <kovid at kovidgoyal.net>'
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
import os
import re
import shutil
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.base import OEB_DOCS, OPF, XLINK, XPath, xml2text
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.polish.replace import get_recommended_folders, replace_links
from calibre.utils.imghdr import identify
from polyglot.builtins import iteritems
def set_azw3_cover(container, cover_path, report, options=None):
existing_image = options is not None and options.get('existing_image', False)
name = None
found = True
for gi in container.opf_xpath('//opf:guide/opf:reference[@href and contains(@type, "cover")]'):
href = gi.get('href')
name = container.href_to_name(href, container.opf_name)
if existing_image:
name = cover_path
found = False
if name is None or not container.has_name(name):
item = container.generate_item(name='cover.jpeg', id_prefix='cover')
name = container.href_to_name(item.get('href'), container.opf_name)
found = False
href = container.name_to_href(name, container.opf_name)
guide = container.opf_xpath('//opf:guide')[0]
container.insert_into_xml(guide, guide.makeelement(
OPF('reference'), href=href, type='cover'))
if not existing_image:
with open(cover_path, 'rb') as src, container.open(name, 'wb') as dest:
shutil.copyfileobj(src, dest)
report(_('Cover updated') if found else _('Cover inserted'))
def get_azw3_raster_cover_name(container):
items = container.opf_xpath('//opf:guide/opf:reference[@href and contains(@type, "cover")]')
if items:
return container.href_to_name(items[0].get('href'))
def mark_as_cover_azw3(container, name):
href = container.name_to_href(name, container.opf_name)
found = False
for item in container.opf_xpath('//opf:guide/opf:reference[@href and contains(@type, "cover")]'):
item.set('href', href)
found = True
if not found:
for guide in container.opf_xpath('//opf:guide'):
container.insert_into_xml(guide, guide.makeelement(
OPF('reference'), href=href, type='cover'))
def get_raster_cover_name(container):
if container.book_type == 'azw3':
return get_azw3_raster_cover_name(container)
return find_cover_image(container, strict=True)
def get_cover_page_name(container):
if container.book_type == 'azw3':
return find_cover_page(container)
def set_cover(container, cover_path, report=None, options=None):
Set the cover of the book to the image pointed to by cover_path.
:param cover_path: Either the absolute path to an image file or the
canonical name of an image in the book. When using an image in the book,
you must also set options, see below.
:param report: An optional callable that takes a single argument. It will
be called with information about the tasks being processed.
:param options: None or a dictionary that controls how the cover is set. The dictionary can have entries:
**keep_aspect**: True or False (Preserve aspect ratio of covers in EPUB)
**no_svg**: True or False (Use an SVG cover wrapper in the EPUB titlepage)
**existing**: True or False (``cover_path`` refers to an existing image in the book)
report = report or (lambda x:x)
if container.book_type == 'azw3':
set_azw3_cover(container, cover_path, report, options=options)
set_epub_cover(container, cover_path, report, options=options)
def mark_as_cover(container, name):
Mark the specified image as the cover image.
if name not in container.mime_map:
raise ValueError(f'Cannot mark {name} as cover as it does not exist')
mt = container.mime_map[name]
if not is_raster_image(mt):
raise ValueError(f'Cannot mark {name} as the cover image as it is not a raster image')
if container.book_type == 'azw3':
mark_as_cover_azw3(container, name)
mark_as_cover_epub(container, name)
# The delightful EPUB cover processing
def is_raster_image(media_type):
return media_type and media_type.lower() in {
'image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/jpg', 'image/gif'}
'coverimagestandard', 'other.ms-coverimage-standard',
'other.ms-titleimage-standard', 'other.ms-titleimage',
'other.ms-coverimage', 'other.ms-thumbimage-standard',
'other.ms-thumbimage', 'thumbimagestandard', 'cover'}
def find_cover_image2(container, strict=False):
manifest_id_map = container.manifest_id_map
mm = container.mime_map
for meta in container.opf_xpath('//opf:meta[@name="cover" and @content]'):
item_id = meta.get('content')
name = manifest_id_map.get(item_id, None)
media_type = mm.get(name, None)
if is_raster_image(media_type):
return name
# First look for a guide item with type == 'cover'
guide_type_map = container.guide_type_map
for ref_type, name in iteritems(guide_type_map):
if ref_type.lower() == 'cover' and is_raster_image(mm.get(name, None)):
return name
if strict:
# Find the largest image from all possible guide cover items
largest_cover = (None, 0)
for ref_type, name in iteritems(guide_type_map):
if ref_type.lower() in COVER_TYPES and is_raster_image(mm.get(name, None)):
path = container.name_path_map.get(name, None)
if path:
sz = os.path.getsize(path)
if sz > largest_cover[1]:
largest_cover = (name, sz)
if largest_cover[0]:
return largest_cover[0]
def find_cover_image3(container):
for name in container.manifest_items_with_property('cover-image'):
return name
manifest_id_map = container.manifest_id_map
mm = container.mime_map
for meta in container.opf_xpath('//opf:meta[@name="cover" and @content]'):
item_id = meta.get('content')
name = manifest_id_map.get(item_id, None)
media_type = mm.get(name, None)
if is_raster_image(media_type):
return name
def find_cover_image(container, strict=False):
'Find a raster image marked as a cover in the OPF'
ver = container.opf_version_parsed
if ver.major < 3:
return find_cover_image2(container, strict=strict)
return find_cover_image3(container)
def get_guides(container):
guides = container.opf_xpath('//opf:guide')
if not guides:
container.insert_into_xml(container.opf, container.opf.makeelement(
guides = container.opf_xpath('//opf:guide')
return guides
def mark_as_cover_epub(container, name):
mmap = {v:k for k, v in iteritems(container.manifest_id_map)}
if name not in mmap:
raise ValueError(f'Cannot mark {name} as cover as it is not in manifest')
mid = mmap[name]
ver = container.opf_version_parsed
# Remove all entries from the opf that identify a raster image as cover
for meta in container.opf_xpath('//opf:meta[@name="cover" and @content]'):
for ref in container.opf_xpath('//opf:guide/opf:reference[@href and @type]'):
if ref.get('type').lower() not in COVER_TYPES:
rname = container.href_to_name(ref.get('href'), container.opf_name)
mt = container.mime_map.get(rname, None)
if is_raster_image(mt):
if ver.major < 3:
# Add reference to image in <metadata>
for metadata in container.opf_xpath('//opf:metadata'):
m = metadata.makeelement(OPF('meta'), name='cover', content=mid)
container.insert_into_xml(metadata, m)
# If no entry for cover exists in guide, insert one that points to this
# image
if not container.opf_xpath('//opf:guide/opf:reference[@type="cover"]'):
for guide in get_guides(container):
container.insert_into_xml(guide, guide.makeelement(
OPF('reference'), type='cover', href=container.name_to_href(name, container.opf_name)))
container.apply_unique_properties(name, 'cover-image')
def mark_as_titlepage(container, name, move_to_start=True):
Mark the specified HTML file as the titlepage of the EPUB.
:param move_to_start: If True the HTML file is moved to the start of the spine
ver = container.opf_version_parsed
if move_to_start:
for item, q, linear in container.spine_iter:
if name == q:
if not linear:
item.set('linear', 'yes')
if item.getparent().index(item) > 0:
container.insert_into_xml(item.getparent(), item, 0)
if ver.major < 3:
for ref in container.opf_xpath('//opf:guide/opf:reference[@type="cover"]'):
for guide in get_guides(container):
container.insert_into_xml(guide, guide.makeelement(
OPF('reference'), type='cover', href=container.name_to_href(name, container.opf_name)))
container.apply_unique_properties(name, 'calibre:title-page')
def find_cover_page(container):
'Find a document marked as a cover in the OPF'
ver = container.opf_version_parsed
mm = container.mime_map
if ver.major < 3:
guide_type_map = container.guide_type_map
for ref_type, name in iteritems(guide_type_map):
if ref_type.lower() == 'cover' and mm.get(name, '').lower() in OEB_DOCS:
return name
for name in container.manifest_items_with_property('calibre:title-page'):
return name
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.polish.toc import get_landmarks
for landmark in get_landmarks(container):
if landmark['type'] == 'cover' and mm.get(landmark['dest'], '').lower() in OEB_DOCS:
return landmark['dest']
def fix_conversion_titlepage_links_in_nav(container):
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.polish.toc import find_existing_nav_toc
cover_page_name = find_cover_page(container)
if not cover_page_name:
nav_page_name = find_existing_nav_toc(container)
if not nav_page_name:
for elem in container.parsed(nav_page_name).xpath('//*[@data-calibre-removed-titlepage]'):
elem.set('href', container.name_to_href(cover_page_name, nav_page_name))
def find_cover_image_in_page(container, cover_page):
root = container.parsed(cover_page)
body = XPath('//h:body')(root)
if len(body) != 1:
body = body[0]
images = []
for img in XPath('descendant::h:img[@src]|descendant::svg:svg/descendant::svg:image')(body):
href = img.get('src') or img.get(XLINK('href'))
if href:
name = container.href_to_name(href, base=cover_page)
text = re.sub(r'\s+', '', xml2text(body))
if text or len(images) > 1:
# Document has more content than a single image
if images:
return images[0]
def clean_opf(container):
'Remove all references to covers from the OPF'
manifest_id_map = container.manifest_id_map
for meta in container.opf_xpath('//opf:meta[@name="cover" and @content]'):
name = manifest_id_map.get(meta.get('content', None), None)
if name and name in container.name_path_map:
yield name
gtm = container.guide_type_map
for ref in container.opf_xpath('//opf:guide/opf:reference[@type]'):
typ = ref.get('type', '')
if typ.lower() in COVER_TYPES:
name = gtm.get(typ, None)
if name and name in container.name_path_map:
yield name
ver = container.opf_version_parsed
if ver.major > 2:
removed_names = container.apply_unique_properties(None, 'cover-image', 'calibre:title-page')[0]
for name in removed_names:
yield name
def create_epub_cover(container, cover_path, existing_image, options=None):
from calibre.ebooks.conversion.config import load_defaults
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.transforms.cover import CoverManager
ext = cover_path.rpartition('.')[-1].lower()
except Exception:
ext = 'jpeg'
cname, tname = 'cover.' + ext, 'titlepage.xhtml'
recommended_folders = get_recommended_folders(container, (cname, tname))
if existing_image:
raster_cover = existing_image
manifest_id = {v:k for k, v in iteritems(container.manifest_id_map)}[existing_image]
raster_cover_item = container.opf_xpath(f'//opf:manifest/*[@id="{manifest_id}"]')[0]
folder = recommended_folders[cname]
if folder:
cname = folder + '/' + cname
raster_cover_item = container.generate_item(cname, id_prefix='cover')
raster_cover = container.href_to_name(raster_cover_item.get('href'), container.opf_name)
with container.open(raster_cover, 'wb') as dest:
if callable(cover_path):
cover_path('write_image', dest)
with open(cover_path, 'rb') as src:
shutil.copyfileobj(src, dest)
if options is None:
opts = load_defaults('epub_output')
keep_aspect = opts.get('preserve_cover_aspect_ratio', False)
no_svg = opts.get('no_svg_cover', False)
keep_aspect = options.get('keep_aspect', False)
no_svg = options.get('no_svg', False)
if no_svg:
style = 'style="height: 100%%"'
templ = CoverManager.NONSVG_TEMPLATE.replace('__style__', style)
has_svg = False
if callable(cover_path):
templ = (options or {}).get('template', CoverManager.SVG_TEMPLATE)
has_svg = 'xlink:href' in templ
width, height = 600, 800
has_svg = True
if existing_image:
width, height = identify(container.raw_data(existing_image, decode=False))[1:]
with open(cover_path, 'rb') as csrc:
width, height = identify(csrc)[1:]
container.log.exception('Failed to get width and height of cover')
ar = 'xMidYMid meet' if keep_aspect else 'none'
templ = CoverManager.SVG_TEMPLATE.replace('__ar__', ar)
templ = templ.replace('__viewbox__', f'0 0 {width} {height}')
templ = templ.replace('__width__', str(width))
templ = templ.replace('__height__', str(height))
folder = recommended_folders[tname]
if folder:
tname = folder + '/' + tname
titlepage_item = container.generate_item(tname, id_prefix='titlepage')
titlepage = container.href_to_name(titlepage_item.get('href'),
raw = templ % container.name_to_href(raster_cover, titlepage)
with container.open(titlepage, 'wb') as f:
if not isinstance(raw, bytes):
raw = raw.encode('utf-8')
# We have to make sure the raster cover item has id="cover" for the moron
# that wrote the Nook firmware
if raster_cover_item.get('id') != 'cover':
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.base import uuid_id
newid = uuid_id()
for item in container.opf_xpath('//*[@id="cover"]'):
item.set('id', newid)
for item in container.opf_xpath('//*[@idref="cover"]'):
item.set('idref', newid)
raster_cover_item.set('id', 'cover')
spine = container.opf_xpath('//opf:spine')[0]
ref = spine.makeelement(OPF('itemref'), idref=titlepage_item.get('id'))
container.insert_into_xml(spine, ref, index=0)
ver = container.opf_version_parsed
if ver.major < 3:
guide = container.opf_get_or_create('guide')
container.insert_into_xml(guide, guide.makeelement(
OPF('reference'), type='cover', title=_('Cover'),
href=container.name_to_href(titlepage, base=container.opf_name)))
metadata = container.opf_get_or_create('metadata')
meta = metadata.makeelement(OPF('meta'), name='cover')
meta.set('content', raster_cover_item.get('id'))
container.insert_into_xml(metadata, meta)
container.apply_unique_properties(raster_cover, 'cover-image')
container.apply_unique_properties(titlepage, 'calibre:title-page')
if has_svg:
container.add_properties(titlepage, 'svg')
return raster_cover, titlepage
def remove_cover_image_in_page(container, page, cover_images):
for img in container.parsed(page).xpath('//*[local-name()="img" and @src]'):
href = img.get('src')
name = container.href_to_name(href, page)
if name in cover_images:
def has_epub_cover(container):
if find_cover_image(container):
return True
if find_cover_page(container):
return True
spine_items = tuple(container.spine_items)
if spine_items:
candidate = container.abspath_to_name(spine_items[0])
if find_cover_image_in_page(container, candidate) is not None:
return True
return False
def set_epub_cover(container, cover_path, report, options=None, image_callback=None):
existing_image = options is not None and options.get('existing_image', False)
if existing_image:
existing_image = cover_path
cover_image = find_cover_image(container)
cover_page = find_cover_page(container)
wrapped_image = extra_cover_page = None
updated = False
log = container.log
possible_removals = set(clean_opf(container))
# TODO: Handle possible_removals and also iterate over links in the removed
# pages and handle possibly removing stylesheets referred to by them.
image_callback_called = False
spine_items = tuple(container.spine_items)
if cover_page is None and spine_items:
# Check if the first item in the spine is a simple cover wrapper
candidate = container.abspath_to_name(spine_items[0])
if find_cover_image_in_page(container, candidate) is not None:
cover_page = candidate
if cover_page is not None:
log('Found existing cover page')
wrapped_image = find_cover_image_in_page(container, cover_page)
if len(spine_items) > 1:
# Look for an extra cover page
c = container.abspath_to_name(spine_items[1])
if c != cover_page:
candidate = find_cover_image_in_page(container, c)
if candidate and candidate in {wrapped_image, cover_image}:
log('Found an extra cover page that is a simple wrapper, removing it')
# This page has only a single image and that image is the
# cover image, remove it.
extra_cover_page = c
spine_items = spine_items[:1] + spine_items[2:]
elif candidate is None:
# Remove the cover image if it is the first image in this
# page
remove_cover_image_in_page(container, c, {wrapped_image,
if wrapped_image is not None:
# The cover page is a simple wrapper around a single cover image,
# we can remove it safely.
log(f'Existing cover page {cover_page} is a simple wrapper, removing it')
if wrapped_image != existing_image:
if image_callback is not None and not image_callback_called:
image_callback(cover_image, wrapped_image)
image_callback_called = True
updated = True
if image_callback is not None and not image_callback_called:
image_callback_called = True
image_callback(cover_image, wrapped_image)
if cover_image and cover_image != wrapped_image:
# Remove the old cover image
if cover_image != existing_image:
# Insert the new cover
raster_cover, titlepage = create_epub_cover(container, cover_path, existing_image, options=options)
report(_('Cover updated') if updated else _('Cover inserted'))
# Replace links to the old cover image/cover page
link_sub = {s:d for s, d in iteritems({
cover_page:titlepage, wrapped_image:raster_cover,
cover_image:raster_cover, extra_cover_page:titlepage})
if s is not None and s != d}
if link_sub:
replace_links(container, link_sub, frag_map=lambda x, y:None)
return raster_cover, titlepage