Código-fonte para calibre.devices.usbms.device

__license__   = 'GPL v3'
__copyright__ = '2009, John Schember <john at nachtimwald.com> ' \
                '2009, Kovid Goyal <kovid@kovidgoyal.net>'
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

Generic device driver. This is not a complete stand alone driver. It is
intended to be subclassed with the relevant parts implemented for a particular
device. This class handles device detection.

import glob
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import time
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import repeat

from calibre import prints
from calibre.constants import is_debugging, isfreebsd, islinux, ismacos, iswindows
from calibre.devices.errors import DeviceError
from calibre.devices.interface import DevicePlugin
from calibre.devices.usbms.deviceconfig import DeviceConfig
from calibre.utils.filenames import ascii_filename as sanitize
from polyglot.builtins import iteritems, string_or_bytes

if ismacos:
    osx_sanitize_name_pat = re.compile(r'[.-]')

if iswindows:
    usb_info_cache = {}

def eject_exe():
    base = sys.extensions_location if hasattr(sys, 'new_app_layout') else os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
    return os.path.join(base, 'calibre-eject.exe')

class USBDevice:

    def __init__(self, dev):
        self.idVendor = dev[0]
        self.idProduct = dev[1]
        self.bcdDevice = dev[2]
        if iswindows:
            # Getting this information requires communicating with the device
            # we only do that in the can_handle_windows() method, if needed.
            self.manufacturer = self.serial = self.product = None
            self.manufacturer = dev[3]
            self.product = dev[4]
            self.serial = dev[5]

    def match_serial(self, serial):
        return self.serial and self.serial == serial

    def match_numbers(self, vid, pid, bcd):
        return self.idVendor == vid and self.idProduct == pid and self.bcdDevice == bcd

    def match_strings(self, vid, pid, bcd, man, prod):
        if not self.match_numbers(vid, pid, bcd):
            return False
        if man == self.manufacturer and prod == self.product:
            return True
        # As of macOS 10.11.4 Apple started mangling the names returned via the
        # IOKit registry. See
        # https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=273213
        m = osx_sanitize_name_pat.sub('_', (self.manufacturer or ''))
        p = osx_sanitize_name_pat.sub('_', (self.product or ''))
        return m == man and p == prod

[documentos] class Device(DeviceConfig, DevicePlugin): ''' This class provides logic common to all drivers for devices that export themselves as USB Mass Storage devices. Provides implementations for mounting/ejecting of USBMS devices on all platforms. ''' VENDOR_ID = 0x0 PRODUCT_ID = 0x0 BCD = None VENDOR_NAME = None #: String identifying the main memory of the device in the Windows PnP id #: strings #: This can be None, string, list of strings or compiled regex WINDOWS_MAIN_MEM = None #: String identifying the first card of the device in the Windows PnP id #: strings #: This can be None, string, list of strings or compiled regex WINDOWS_CARD_A_MEM = None #: String identifying the second card of the device in the Windows PnP id #: strings #: This can be None, string, list of strings or compiled regex WINDOWS_CARD_B_MEM = None #: Used by the new driver detection to disambiguate main memory from #: storage cards. Should be a regular expression that matches the #: main memory mount point assigned by macOS OSX_MAIN_MEM_VOL_PAT = None OSX_EJECT_COMMAND = ['diskutil', 'eject'] MAIN_MEMORY_VOLUME_LABEL = '' STORAGE_CARD_VOLUME_LABEL = '' STORAGE_CARD2_VOLUME_LABEL = None EBOOK_DIR_MAIN = '' EBOOK_DIR_CARD_A = '' EBOOK_DIR_CARD_B = '' DELETE_EXTS = [] # USB disk-based devices can see the book files on the device, so can # copy these back to the library BACKLOADING_ERROR_MESSAGE = None #: The maximum length of paths created on the device MAX_PATH_LEN = 250 #: Put news in its own folder NEWS_IN_FOLDER = True
[documentos] def reset(self, key='-1', log_packets=False, report_progress=None, detected_device=None): self._main_prefix = self._card_a_prefix = self._card_b_prefix = None self.detected_device = None if detected_device is None else USBDevice(detected_device) self.set_progress_reporter(report_progress)
[documentos] def set_progress_reporter(self, report_progress): self.report_progress = report_progress self.report_progress = report_progress if self.report_progress is None: self.report_progress = lambda x, y: x
[documentos] def card_prefix(self, end_session=True): return (self._card_a_prefix, self._card_b_prefix)
@classmethod def _windows_space(cls, prefix): if not prefix: return 0, 0 prefix = prefix[:-1] from calibre_extensions import winutil try: available_space, total_space, free_space = winutil.get_disk_free_space(prefix) except OSError as err: if err.winerror == winutil.ERROR_NOT_READY: # Disk not ready time.sleep(3) available_space, total_space, free_space = winutil.get_disk_free_space(prefix) else: raise return total_space, available_space
[documentos] def total_space(self, end_session=True): msz = casz = cbsz = 0 if not iswindows: if self._main_prefix is not None: stats = os.statvfs(self._main_prefix) msz = stats.f_frsize * (stats.f_blocks + stats.f_bavail - stats.f_bfree) if self._card_a_prefix is not None: stats = os.statvfs(self._card_a_prefix) casz = stats.f_frsize * (stats.f_blocks + stats.f_bavail - stats.f_bfree) if self._card_b_prefix is not None: stats = os.statvfs(self._card_b_prefix) cbsz = stats.f_frsize * (stats.f_blocks + stats.f_bavail - stats.f_bfree) else: msz = self._windows_space(self._main_prefix)[0] casz = self._windows_space(self._card_a_prefix)[0] cbsz = self._windows_space(self._card_b_prefix)[0] return (msz, casz, cbsz)
[documentos] def free_space(self, end_session=True): msz = casz = cbsz = 0 if not iswindows: if self._main_prefix is not None: stats = os.statvfs(self._main_prefix) msz = stats.f_frsize * stats.f_bavail if self._card_a_prefix is not None: stats = os.statvfs(self._card_a_prefix) casz = stats.f_frsize * stats.f_bavail if self._card_b_prefix is not None: stats = os.statvfs(self._card_b_prefix) cbsz = stats.f_frsize * stats.f_bavail else: msz = self._windows_space(self._main_prefix)[1] casz = self._windows_space(self._card_a_prefix)[1] cbsz = self._windows_space(self._card_b_prefix)[1] return (msz, casz, cbsz)
def windows_filter_pnp_id(self, pnp_id): return False
[documentos] def windows_sort_drives(self, drives): ''' Called to disambiguate main memory and storage card for devices that do not distinguish between them on the basis of `WINDOWS_CARD_NAME`. For example: The EB600 ''' return drives
[documentos] def can_handle_windows(self, usbdevice, debug=False): if hasattr(self.can_handle, 'is_base_class_implementation'): # No custom can_handle implementation return True # Delegate to the unix can_handle function, creating a unix like # USBDevice object from calibre.devices.winusb import get_usb_info dev = usb_info_cache.get(usbdevice) if dev is None: try: data = get_usb_info(usbdevice, debug=debug) except Exception: time.sleep(0.1) try: data = get_usb_info(usbdevice, debug=debug) except Exception: data = {} dev = usb_info_cache[usbdevice] = namedtuple( 'USBDevice', 'vendor_id product_id bcd manufacturer product serial')( usbdevice.vendor_id, usbdevice.product_id, usbdevice.bcd, data.get('manufacturer') or '', data.get('product') or '', data.get('serial_number') or '') if debug: prints(f'USB Info for device: {dev}') return self.can_handle(dev, debug=debug)
def open_windows(self): from calibre.devices.scanner import drive_is_ok from calibre.devices.winusb import get_drive_letters_for_device usbdev = self.device_being_opened debug = is_debugging() or getattr(self, 'do_device_debug', False) try: dlmap = get_drive_letters_for_device(usbdev, debug=debug) except Exception: dlmap = {} if not dlmap.get('drive_letters'): time.sleep(7) dlmap = get_drive_letters_for_device(usbdev, debug=debug) if debug: from pprint import pformat prints(f'Drive letters for {usbdev}') prints(pformat(dlmap)) filtered = set() for dl in dlmap['drive_letters']: pnp_id = dlmap['pnp_id_map'][dl].upper() if dl in dlmap['readonly_drives']: filtered.add(dl) if debug: prints('Ignoring the drive %s as it is readonly' % dl) elif self.windows_filter_pnp_id(pnp_id): filtered.add(dl) if debug: prints(f'Ignoring the drive {dl} because of a PNP filter on {pnp_id}') elif not drive_is_ok(dl, debug=debug): filtered.add(dl) if debug: prints('Ignoring the drive %s because failed to get free space for it' % dl) dlmap['drive_letters'] = [dl for dl in dlmap['drive_letters'] if dl not in filtered] if not dlmap['drive_letters']: raise DeviceError(_('Unable to detect any disk drives for the device: %s. Try rebooting') % self.get_gui_name()) drives = {} for drive_letter, which in zip(dlmap['drive_letters'], 'main carda cardb'.split()): drives[which] = drive_letter + ':\\' drives = self.windows_sort_drives(drives) self._main_prefix = drives.get('main') self._card_a_prefix = drives.get('carda', None) self._card_b_prefix = drives.get('cardb', None) @classmethod def run_ioreg(cls, raw=None): if raw is not None: return raw ioreg = '/usr/sbin/ioreg' if not os.access(ioreg, os.X_OK): ioreg = 'ioreg' cmd = (ioreg+' -w 0 -S -c IOMedia').split() for i in range(3): try: return subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] except OSError: # Probably an interrupted system call if i == 2: raise time.sleep(2) def osx_sort_names(self, names): return names @classmethod def osx_run_mount(cls): for i in range(3): try: return subprocess.Popen('mount', stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] except OSError: # Probably an interrupted system call if i == 2: raise time.sleep(2) @classmethod def osx_get_usb_drives(cls): from calibre_extensions.usbobserver import get_usb_drives return get_usb_drives() def _osx_bsd_names(self): drives = self.osx_get_usb_drives() matches = [] d = self.detected_device if d.serial: for path, vid, pid, bcd, ven, prod, serial in drives: if d.match_serial(serial): matches.append(path) if not matches and d.manufacturer and d.product: for path, vid, pid, bcd, man, prod, serial in drives: if d.match_strings(vid, pid, bcd, man, prod): matches.append(path) if not matches: # Since Apple started mangling the names stored in the IOKit # registry, we cannot trust match_strings() so fallback to matching # on just numbers. See http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=273213 for path, vid, pid, bcd, man, prod, serial in drives: if d.match_numbers(vid, pid, bcd): matches.append(path) if not matches: from pprint import pformat raise DeviceError( f'Could not detect BSD names for {self.name}. Try rebooting.\nOutput from osx_get_usb_drives():\n{pformat(drives)}') pat = re.compile(r'(?P<m>\d+)([a-z]+(?P<p>\d+)){0,1}') def nums(x): 'Return (disk num, partition number)' m = pat.search(x) if m is None: return (10000, -1) g = m.groupdict() if g['p'] is None: g['p'] = 0 return list(map(int, (g.get('m'), g.get('p')))) def cmp_key(x): ''' Sorting based on the following scheme: - disks without partitions are first - sub sorted based on disk number - disks with partitions are sorted first on disk number, then on partition number ''' x = x.rpartition('/')[-1] disk_num, part_num = nums(x) has_part = 1 if part_num > 0 else 0 return has_part, disk_num, part_num matches.sort(key=cmp_key) drives = {'main':matches[0]} if len(matches) > 1: drives['carda'] = matches[1] if len(matches) > 2: drives['cardb'] = matches[2] return drives def osx_bsd_names(self): drives = {} for i in range(3): try: drives = self._osx_bsd_names() if len(drives) > 1: # wait for device to settle and SD card (if any) to become available return drives except Exception: if i == 2: raise time.sleep(3) return drives def open_osx(self): from calibre_extensions.usbobserver import get_mounted_filesystems bsd_drives = self.osx_bsd_names() drives = self.osx_sort_names(bsd_drives.copy()) mount_map = get_mounted_filesystems() # macOS 13 Ventura uses a weird scheme for mounted FAT devices of the # form fat://basename_of_bsd_name/basename_of_mountpoint # see https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=347294 for dev_node in tuple(mount_map): if ':' in dev_node and '//' in dev_node: val = mount_map[dev_node] dev_node = dev_node.split('/')[-2] dev_node = f'/dev/{dev_node}' if dev_node not in mount_map: mount_map[dev_node] = val drives = {k: mount_map.get(v) for k, v in iteritems(drives)} if is_debugging(): print() from pprint import pprint pprint({'bsd_drives': bsd_drives, 'mount_map': mount_map, 'drives': drives}) if drives.get('carda') is None and drives.get('cardb') is not None: drives['carda'] = drives.pop('cardb') if drives.get('main') is None and drives.get('carda') is not None: drives['main'] = drives.pop('carda') if drives.get('carda') is None and drives.get('cardb') is not None: drives['carda'] = drives.pop('cardb') if drives.get('main') is None: raise DeviceError(_('Unable to detect the %s mount point. Try rebooting.')%self.__class__.__name__) pat = self.OSX_MAIN_MEM_VOL_PAT if pat is not None and len(drives) > 1 and 'main' in drives: if pat.search(drives['main']) is None: main = drives['main'] for x in ('carda', 'cardb'): if x in drives and pat.search(drives[x]): drives['main'] = drives.pop(x) drives[x] = main break self._main_prefix = drives['main']+os.sep def get_card_prefix(c): ans = drives.get(c, None) if ans is not None: ans += os.sep return ans self._card_a_prefix = get_card_prefix('carda') self._card_b_prefix = get_card_prefix('cardb') def find_device_nodes(self, detected_device=None): def walk(base): base = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(base)) for x in os.listdir(base): p = os.path.join(base, x) if os.path.islink(p) or not os.access(p, os.R_OK): continue isfile = os.path.isfile(p) yield p, isfile if not isfile: yield from walk(p) def raw2num(raw): raw = raw.lower() if not raw.startswith('0x'): raw = '0x' + raw return int(raw, 16) # Find device node based on vendor, product and bcd d, j = os.path.dirname, os.path.join usb_dir = None if detected_device is None: detected_device = self.detected_device def test(val, attr): q = getattr(detected_device, attr) return q == val def getnum(usb_dir): def rc(q): with open(j(usb_dir, q), 'rb') as f: return raw2num(f.read().decode('utf-8')) return rc for x, isfile in walk('/sys/devices'): if isfile and x.endswith('idVendor'): usb_dir = d(x) for y in ('idProduct', 'idVendor', 'bcdDevice'): if not os.access(j(usb_dir, y), os.R_OK): usb_dir = None break if usb_dir is None: continue ven, prod, bcd = map(getnum(usb_dir), ('idVendor', 'idProduct', 'bcdDevice')) if not (test(ven, 'idVendor') and test(prod, 'idProduct') and test(bcd, 'bcdDevice')): usb_dir = None continue else: break if usb_dir is None: raise DeviceError(_('Unable to detect the %s disk drive.') %self.__class__.__name__) devnodes, ok = [], {} for x, isfile in walk(usb_dir): if not isfile and '/block/' in x: parts = x.split('/') idx = parts.index('block') if idx == len(parts)-2: sz = j(x, 'size') node = parts[idx+1] try: with open(sz, 'rb') as szf: exists = int(szf.read().decode('utf-8')) > 0 if exists: node = self.find_largest_partition(x) ok[node] = True else: ok[node] = False except: ok[node] = False if is_debugging() and not ok[node]: print(f'\nIgnoring the node: {node} as could not read size from: {sz}') devnodes.append(node) devnodes += list(repeat(None, 3)) ans = ['/dev/'+x if ok.get(x, False) else None for x in devnodes] ans.sort(key=lambda x: x[5:] if x else 'zzzzz') return self.linux_swap_drives(ans[:3]) def linux_swap_drives(self, drives): return drives def node_mountpoint(self, node): from calibre.devices.udisks import node_mountpoint return node_mountpoint(node) def find_largest_partition(self, path): node = path.split('/')[-1] nodes = [] for x in glob.glob(path+'/'+node+'*'): sz = x + '/size' if not os.access(sz, os.R_OK): continue try: with open(sz, 'rb') as szf: sz = int(szf.read().decode('utf-8')) except: continue if sz > 0: nodes.append((x.split('/')[-1], sz)) nodes.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) if not nodes: return node return nodes[-1][0] def open_linux(self): def mount(node, type): mp = self.node_mountpoint(node) if mp is not None: return mp, 0 def do_mount(node): try: from calibre.devices.udisks import mount mount(node) return 0 except: print('Udisks mount call failed:') import traceback traceback.print_exc() return 1 ret = do_mount(node) if ret != 0: return None, ret return self.node_mountpoint(node)+'/', 0 main, carda, cardb = self.find_device_nodes() if main is None: raise DeviceError(_('Unable to detect the %s disk drive. Either ' 'the device has already been ejected, or your ' 'kernel is exporting a deprecated version of SYSFS.') %self.__class__.__name__) if is_debugging(): print('\nFound device nodes:', main, carda, cardb) self._linux_mount_map = {} mp, ret = mount(main, 'main') if mp is None: raise DeviceError( _('Unable to mount main memory (Error code: %d)')%ret) if not mp.endswith('/'): mp += '/' self._linux_mount_map[main] = mp self._main_prefix = mp self._linux_main_device_node = main cards = [(carda, '_card_a_prefix', 'carda'), (cardb, '_card_b_prefix', 'cardb')] for card, prefix, typ in cards: if card is None: continue mp, ret = mount(card, typ) if mp is None: print('Unable to mount card (Error code: %d)'%ret, file=sys.stderr) else: if not mp.endswith('/'): mp += '/' setattr(self, prefix, mp) self._linux_mount_map[card] = mp self.filter_read_only_mount_points() def filter_read_only_mount_points(self): def is_readonly(mp): if mp is None: return True path = os.path.join(mp, 'calibre_readonly_test') ro = True try: with open(path, 'wb'): ro = False except: pass else: try: os.remove(path) except: pass if is_debugging() and ro: print('\nThe mountpoint', mp, 'is readonly, ignoring it') return ro for mp in ('_main_prefix', '_card_a_prefix', '_card_b_prefix'): if is_readonly(getattr(self, mp, None)): setattr(self, mp, None) if self._main_prefix is None: for p in ('_card_a_prefix', '_card_b_prefix'): nmp = getattr(self, p, None) if nmp is not None: self._main_prefix = nmp setattr(self, p, None) break if self._main_prefix is None: raise DeviceError(_('The main memory of %s is read only. ' 'This usually happens because of file system errors.') %self.__class__.__name__) if self._card_a_prefix is None and self._card_b_prefix is not None: self._card_a_prefix = self._card_b_prefix self._card_b_prefix = None # ------------------------------------------------------ # # open for FreeBSD # find the device node or nodes that match the S/N we already have from the scanner # and attempt to mount each one # 1. get list of devices in /dev with matching s/n etc. # 2. get list of volumes associated with each # 3. attempt to mount each one using Hal # 4. when finished, we have a list of mount points and associated dbus nodes # def open_freebsd(self): # There should be some way to access the -v arg... verbose = False # this gives us access to the S/N, etc. of the reader that the scanner has found # and the match routines for some of that data, like s/n, vendor ID, etc. d=self.detected_device if not d.serial: raise DeviceError("Device has no S/N. Can't continue") from .hal import get_hal hal = get_hal() vols = hal.get_volumes(d) if verbose: print("FBSD: ", vols) ok, mv = hal.mount_volumes(vols) if not ok: raise DeviceError(_('Unable to mount the device')) for k, v in mv.items(): setattr(self, k, v) # # ------------------------------------------------------ # # this one is pretty simple: # just umount each of the previously # mounted filesystems, using the stored volume object # def eject_freebsd(self): from .hal import get_hal hal = get_hal() if self._main_prefix: hal.unmount(self._main_vol) if self._card_a_prefix: hal.unmount(self._card_a_vol) if self._card_b_prefix: hal.unmount(self._card_b_vol) self._main_prefix = self._main_vol = None self._card_a_prefix = self._card_a_vol = None self._card_b_prefix = self._card_b_vol = None # ------------------------------------------------------
[documentos] def open(self, connected_device, library_uuid): time.sleep(5) self._main_prefix = self._card_a_prefix = self._card_b_prefix = None self.device_being_opened = connected_device try: if islinux: try: self.open_linux() except DeviceError: time.sleep(7) self.open_linux() if isfreebsd: self._main_vol = self._card_a_vol = self._card_b_vol = None try: self.open_freebsd() except DeviceError: time.sleep(2) self.open_freebsd() if iswindows: self.open_windows() if ismacos: try: self.open_osx() except DeviceError: time.sleep(7) self.open_osx() self.current_library_uuid = library_uuid self.post_open_callback() finally: self.device_being_opened = None
def post_open_callback(self): pass def eject_windows(self): from threading import Thread drives = [] for x in ('_main_prefix', '_card_a_prefix', '_card_b_prefix'): x = getattr(self, x, None) if x is not None: drives.append(x[0].upper()) def do_it(drives): subprocess.Popen([eject_exe()] + drives, creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NO_WINDOW).wait() t = Thread(target=do_it, args=[drives]) t.daemon = True t.start() self.__save_win_eject_thread = t def eject_osx(self): for x in ('_main_prefix', '_card_a_prefix', '_card_b_prefix'): x = getattr(self, x, None) if x is not None: try: subprocess.Popen(self.OSX_EJECT_COMMAND + [x]) except: pass def eject_linux(self): from calibre.devices.udisks import eject, umount drives = [d for d in self.find_device_nodes() if d] for d in drives: try: umount(d) except: pass for d in drives: try: eject(d) except Exception as e: print('Udisks eject call for:', d, 'failed:') print('\t', e)
[documentos] def eject(self): if islinux: try: self.eject_linux() except: pass if isfreebsd: try: self.eject_freebsd() except: pass if iswindows: try: self.eject_windows() except: pass if ismacos: try: self.eject_osx() except: pass self._main_prefix = self._card_a_prefix = self._card_b_prefix = None
def linux_post_yank(self): self._linux_mount_map = {}
[documentos] def post_yank_cleanup(self): if islinux: try: self.linux_post_yank() except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() self._main_prefix = self._card_a_prefix = self._card_b_prefix = None
def get_main_ebook_dir(self, for_upload=False): return self.EBOOK_DIR_MAIN def get_carda_ebook_dir(self, for_upload=False): return self.EBOOK_DIR_CARD_A def get_cardb_ebook_dir(self, for_upload=False): return self.EBOOK_DIR_CARD_B def _sanity_check(self, on_card, files): from calibre.devices.utils import sanity_check sanity_check(on_card, files, self.card_prefix(), self.free_space()) def get_dest_dir(prefix, candidates): if isinstance(candidates, string_or_bytes): candidates = [candidates] if not candidates: candidates = [''] candidates = [ ((os.path.join(prefix, *(x.split('/')))) if x else prefix) for x in candidates] existing = [x for x in candidates if os.path.exists(x)] if not existing: existing = candidates return existing[0] if on_card == 'carda': candidates = self.get_carda_ebook_dir(for_upload=True) path = get_dest_dir(self._card_a_prefix, candidates) elif on_card == 'cardb': candidates = self.get_cardb_ebook_dir(for_upload=True) path = get_dest_dir(self._card_b_prefix, candidates) else: candidates = self.get_main_ebook_dir(for_upload=True) path = get_dest_dir(self._main_prefix, candidates) return path
[documentos] def sanitize_callback(self, path): ''' Callback to allow individual device drivers to override the path sanitization used by :meth:`create_upload_path`. ''' return sanitize(path)
[documentos] def filename_callback(self, default, mi): ''' Callback to allow drivers to change the default file name set by :meth:`create_upload_path`. ''' return default
[documentos] def sanitize_path_components(self, components): ''' Perform any device specific sanitization on the path components for files to be uploaded to the device ''' return components
[documentos] def get_annotations(self, path_map): ''' Resolve path_map to annotation_map of files found on the device ''' return {}
[documentos] def add_annotation_to_library(self, db, db_id, annotation): ''' Add an annotation to the calibre library ''' pass
def create_upload_path(self, path, mdata, fname, create_dirs=True): from calibre.devices.utils import create_upload_path settings = self.settings() filepath = create_upload_path(mdata, fname, self.save_template(), self.sanitize_callback, prefix_path=os.path.abspath(path), maxlen=self.MAX_PATH_LEN, use_subdirs=self.SUPPORTS_SUB_DIRS and settings.use_subdirs, news_in_folder=self.NEWS_IN_FOLDER, filename_callback=self.filename_callback, sanitize_path_components=self.sanitize_path_components ) filedir = os.path.dirname(filepath) if create_dirs and not os.path.exists(filedir): os.makedirs(filedir) return filepath def create_annotations_path(self, mdata, device_path=None): return self.create_upload_path(os.path.abspath('/<storage>'), mdata, 'x.bookmark', create_dirs=False)