Πηγαίος κώδικας για το calibre.utils.formatter_functions

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8

Created on 13 Jan 2011

@author: charles

__license__   = 'GPL v3'
__copyright__ = '2010, Kovid Goyal <kovid@kovidgoyal.net>'
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

import inspect, re, traceback, numbers
from math import trunc, floor, ceil, modf

from calibre import human_readable, prints
from calibre.constants import DEBUG
from calibre.ebooks.metadata import title_sort
from calibre.utils.config import tweaks
from calibre.utils.titlecase import titlecase
from calibre.utils.icu import capitalize, strcmp, sort_key
from calibre.utils.date import parse_date, format_date, now, UNDEFINED_DATE
from calibre.utils.localization import calibre_langcode_to_name, canonicalize_lang
from polyglot.builtins import iteritems, itervalues, unicode_type

class FormatterFunctions(object):

    error_function_body = ('def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals):\n'
                       '\treturn "' +
                            _('Duplicate user function name {0}. '
                              'Change the name or ensure that the functions are identical') + '"')

    def __init__(self):
        self._builtins = {}
        self._functions = {}
        self._functions_from_library = {}

    def register_builtin(self, func_class):
        if not isinstance(func_class, FormatterFunction):
            raise ValueError('Class %s is not an instance of FormatterFunction'%(
        name = func_class.name
        if name in self._functions:
            raise ValueError('Name %s already used'%name)
        self._builtins[name] = func_class
        self._functions[name] = func_class
        for a in func_class.aliases:
            self._functions[a] = func_class

    def _register_function(self, func_class, replace=False):
        if not isinstance(func_class, FormatterFunction):
            raise ValueError('Class %s is not an instance of FormatterFunction'%(
        name = func_class.name
        if not replace and name in self._functions:
            raise ValueError('Name %s already used'%name)
        self._functions[name] = func_class

    def register_functions(self, library_uuid, funcs):
        self._functions_from_library[library_uuid] = funcs

    def _register_functions(self):
        for compiled_funcs in itervalues(self._functions_from_library):
            for cls in compiled_funcs:
                f = self._functions.get(cls.name, None)
                replace = False
                if f is not None:
                    existing_body = f.program_text
                    new_body = cls.program_text
                    if new_body != existing_body:
                        # Change the body of the template function to one that will
                        # return an error message. Also change the arg count to
                        # -1 (variable) to avoid template compilation errors
                        replace = True
                        func = [cls.name, '', -1, self.error_function_body.format(cls.name)]
                        cls = compile_user_function(*func)
                formatter_functions()._register_function(cls, replace=replace)

    def unregister_functions(self, library_uuid):
        if library_uuid in self._functions_from_library:
            for cls in self._functions_from_library[library_uuid]:
                self._functions.pop(cls.name, None)

    def get_builtins(self):
        return self._builtins

    def get_builtins_and_aliases(self):
        res = {}
        for f in itervalues(self._builtins):
            res[f.name] = f
            for a in f.aliases:
                res[a] = f
        return res

    def get_functions(self):
        return self._functions

    def reset_to_builtins(self):
        self._functions = {}
        for n,c in self._builtins.items():
            self._functions[n] = c
            for a in c.aliases:
                self._functions[a] = c

_ff = FormatterFunctions()

def formatter_functions():
    global _ff
    return _ff

class FormatterFunction(object):

    doc = _('No documentation provided')
    name = 'no name provided'
    category = 'Unknown'
    arg_count = 0
    aliases = []
    is_python = True

    def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, *args):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def eval_(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, *args):
        ret = self.evaluate(formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, *args)
        if isinstance(ret, (bytes, unicode_type)):
            return ret
        if isinstance(ret, list):
            return ','.join(ret)
        if isinstance(ret, (numbers.Number, bool)):
            return unicode_type(ret)

class BuiltinFormatterFunction(FormatterFunction):

    def __init__(self):
        eval_func = inspect.getmembers(self.__class__,
                        lambda x: inspect.ismethod(x) and x.__name__ == 'evaluate')
            lines = [l[4:] for l in inspect.getsourcelines(eval_func[0][1])[0]]
            lines = []
        self.program_text = ''.join(lines)

[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinStrcmp(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'strcmp' arg_count = 5 category = 'Relational' __doc__ = doc = _('strcmp(x, y, lt, eq, gt) -- does a case-insensitive comparison of x ' 'and y as strings. Returns lt if x < y. Returns eq if x == y. ' 'Otherwise returns gt.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, x, y, lt, eq, gt): v = strcmp(x, y) if v < 0: return lt if v == 0: return eq return gt
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinCmp(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'cmp' category = 'Relational' arg_count = 5 __doc__ = doc = _('cmp(x, y, lt, eq, gt) -- compares x and y after converting both to ' 'numbers. Returns lt if x < y. Returns eq if x == y. Otherwise returns gt.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, x, y, lt, eq, gt): x = float(x if x and x != 'None' else 0) y = float(y if y and y != 'None' else 0) if x < y: return lt if x == y: return eq return gt
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinFirstMatchingCmp(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'first_matching_cmp' category = 'Relational' arg_count = -1 __doc__ = doc = _('first_matching_cmp(val, cmp1, result1, cmp2, r2, ..., else_result) -- ' 'compares "val < cmpN" in sequence, returning resultN for ' 'the first comparison that succeeds. Returns else_result ' 'if no comparison succeeds. Example: ' 'first_matching_cmp(10,5,"small",10,"middle",15,"large","giant") ' 'returns "large". The same example with a first value of 16 returns "giant".') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, *args): if (len(args) % 2) != 0: raise ValueError(_('first_matching_cmp requires an even number of arguments')) val = float(args[0] if args[0] and args[0] != 'None' else 0) for i in range(1, len(args) - 1, 2): c = float(args[i] if args[i] and args[i] != 'None' else 0) if val < c: return args[i+1] return args[len(args)-1]
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinStrcat(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'strcat' arg_count = -1 category = 'String manipulation' __doc__ = doc = _('strcat(a, b, ...) -- can take any number of arguments. Returns a ' 'string formed by concatenating all the arguments') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, *args): i = 0 res = '' for i in range(0, len(args)): res += args[i] return res
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinStrlen(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'strlen' arg_count = 1 category = 'String manipulation' __doc__ = doc = _('strlen(a) -- Returns the length of the string passed as ' 'the argument') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, a): try: return len(a) except: return -1
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinAdd(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'add' arg_count = 2 category = 'Arithmetic' __doc__ = doc = _('add(x, y) -- returns x + y. Throws an exception if either x or y are not numbers.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, x, y): x = float(x if x and x != 'None' else 0) y = float(y if y and y != 'None' else 0) return unicode_type(x + y)
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinSubtract(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'subtract' arg_count = 2 category = 'Arithmetic' __doc__ = doc = _('subtract(x, y) -- returns x - y. Throws an exception if either x or y are not numbers.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, x, y): x = float(x if x and x != 'None' else 0) y = float(y if y and y != 'None' else 0) return unicode_type(x - y)
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinMultiply(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'multiply' arg_count = 2 category = 'Arithmetic' __doc__ = doc = _('multiply(x, y) -- returns x * y. Throws an exception if either x or y are not numbers.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, x, y): x = float(x if x and x != 'None' else 0) y = float(y if y and y != 'None' else 0) return unicode_type(x * y)
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinDivide(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'divide' arg_count = 2 category = 'Arithmetic' __doc__ = doc = _('divide(x, y) -- returns x / y. Throws an exception if either x or y are not numbers.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, x, y): x = float(x if x and x != 'None' else 0) y = float(y if y and y != 'None' else 0) return unicode_type(x / y)
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinCeiling(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'ceiling' arg_count = 1 category = 'Arithmetic' __doc__ = doc = _('ceiling(x) -- returns the smallest integer greater ' 'than or equal to x. Throws an exception if x is ' 'not a number.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, x): x = float(x if x and x != 'None' else 0) return unicode_type(int(ceil(x)))
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinFloor(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'floor' arg_count = 1 category = 'Arithmetic' __doc__ = doc = _('floor(x) -- returns the largest integer less ' 'than or equal to x. Throws an exception if x is ' 'not a number.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, x): x = float(x if x and x != 'None' else 0) return unicode_type(int(floor(x)))
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinRound(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'round' arg_count = 1 category = 'Arithmetic' __doc__ = doc = _('round(x) -- returns the nearest integer to x. ' 'Throws an exception if x is not a number.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, x): x = float(x if x and x != 'None' else 0) return unicode_type(int(round(x)))
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinMod(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'mod' arg_count = 2 category = 'Arithmetic' __doc__ = doc = _('mod(x) -- returns the remainder of x / y, where x, y, ' 'and the result are integers. Throws an exception if ' 'either x or y is not a number.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, x, y): x = float(x if x and x != 'None' else 0) y = float(y if y and y != 'None' else 0) return unicode_type(int(x % y))
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinFractionalPart(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'fractional_part' arg_count = 1 category = 'Arithmetic' __doc__ = doc = _('fractional_part(x) -- returns the value after the decimal ' 'point. For example, fractional_part(3.14) returns 0.14. ' 'Throws an exception if x is not a number.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, x): x = float(x if x and x != 'None' else 0) return unicode_type(modf(x)[0])
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinTemplate(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'template' arg_count = 1 category = 'Recursion' __doc__ = doc = _('template(x) -- evaluates x as a template. The evaluation is done ' 'in its own context, meaning that variables are not shared between ' 'the caller and the template evaluation. Because the { and } ' 'characters are special, you must use [[ for the { character and ' ']] for the } character; they are converted automatically. ' 'For example, template(\'[[title_sort]]\') will evaluate the ' 'template {title_sort} and return its value. Note also that ' 'prefixes and suffixes (the `|prefix|suffix` syntax) cannot be ' 'used in the argument to this function when using template program mode.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, template): template = template.replace('[[', '{').replace(']]', '}') return formatter.__class__().safe_format(template, kwargs, 'TEMPLATE', mi)
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinEval(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'eval' arg_count = 1 category = 'Recursion' __doc__ = doc = _('eval(template) -- evaluates the template, passing the local ' 'variables (those \'assign\'ed to) instead of the book metadata. ' ' This permits using the template processor to construct complex ' 'results from local variables. Because the { and } ' 'characters are special, you must use [[ for the { character and ' ']] for the } character; they are converted automatically. ' 'Note also that prefixes and suffixes (the `|prefix|suffix` syntax) ' 'cannot be used in the argument to this function when using ' 'template program mode.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, template): from calibre.utils.formatter import EvalFormatter template = template.replace('[[', '{').replace(']]', '}') return EvalFormatter().safe_format(template, locals, 'EVAL', None)
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinAssign(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'assign' arg_count = 2 category = 'Other' __doc__ = doc = _('assign(id, val) -- assigns val to id, then returns val. ' 'id must be an identifier, not an expression') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, target, value): locals[target] = value return value
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinPrint(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'print' arg_count = -1 category = 'Other' __doc__ = doc = _('print(a, b, ...) -- prints the arguments to standard output. ' 'Unless you start calibre from the command line (calibre-debug -g), ' 'the output will go to a black hole.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, *args): print(args) return ''
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinField(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'field' arg_count = 1 category = 'Get values from metadata' __doc__ = doc = _('field(name) -- returns the metadata field named by name') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, name): return formatter.get_value(name, [], kwargs)
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinRawField(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'raw_field' arg_count = 1 category = 'Get values from metadata' __doc__ = doc = _('raw_field(name) -- returns the metadata field named by name ' 'without applying any formatting.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, name): res = getattr(mi, name, None) if isinstance(res, list): fm = mi.metadata_for_field(name) if fm is None: return ', '.join(res) return fm['is_multiple']['list_to_ui'].join(res) return unicode_type(res)
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinRawList(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'raw_list' arg_count = 2 category = 'Get values from metadata' __doc__ = doc = _('raw_list(name, separator) -- returns the metadata list ' 'named by name without applying any formatting or sorting and ' 'with items separated by separator.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, name, separator): res = getattr(mi, name, None) if not isinstance(res, list): return "%s is not a list" % name return separator.join(res)
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinSubstr(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'substr' arg_count = 3 category = 'String manipulation' __doc__ = doc = _('substr(str, start, end) -- returns the start\'th through the end\'th ' 'characters of str. The first character in str is the zero\'th ' 'character. If end is negative, then it indicates that many ' 'characters counting from the right. If end is zero, then it ' 'indicates the last character. For example, substr(\'12345\', 1, 0) ' 'returns \'2345\', and substr(\'12345\', 1, -1) returns \'234\'.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, str_, start_, end_): return str_[int(start_): len(str_) if int(end_) == 0 else int(end_)]
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinLookup(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'lookup' arg_count = -1 category = 'Iterating over values' __doc__ = doc = _('lookup(val, pattern, field, pattern, field, ..., else_field) -- ' 'like switch, except the arguments are field (metadata) names, not ' 'text. The value of the appropriate field will be fetched and used. ' 'Note that because composite columns are fields, you can use this ' 'function in one composite field to use the value of some other ' 'composite field. This is extremely useful when constructing ' 'variable save paths') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val, *args): if len(args) == 2: # here for backwards compatibility if val: return formatter.vformat('{'+args[0].strip()+'}', [], kwargs) else: return formatter.vformat('{'+args[1].strip()+'}', [], kwargs) if (len(args) % 2) != 1: raise ValueError(_('lookup requires either 2 or an odd number of arguments')) i = 0 while i < len(args): if i + 1 >= len(args): return formatter.vformat('{' + args[i].strip() + '}', [], kwargs) if re.search(args[i], val, flags=re.I): return formatter.vformat('{'+args[i+1].strip() + '}', [], kwargs) i += 2
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinTest(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'test' arg_count = 3 category = 'If-then-else' __doc__ = doc = _('test(val, text if not empty, text if empty) -- return `text if not ' 'empty` if val is not empty, otherwise return `text if empty`') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val, value_if_set, value_not_set): if val: return value_if_set else: return value_not_set
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinContains(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'contains' arg_count = 4 category = 'If-then-else' __doc__ = doc = _('contains(val, pattern, text if match, text if not match) -- checks ' 'if val contains matches for the regular expression `pattern`. ' 'Returns `text if match` if matches are found, otherwise it returns ' '`text if no match`') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val, test, value_if_present, value_if_not): if re.search(test, val, flags=re.I): return value_if_present else: return value_if_not
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinSwitch(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'switch' arg_count = -1 category = 'Iterating over values' __doc__ = doc = _('switch(val, pattern, value, pattern, value, ..., else_value) -- ' 'for each `pattern, value` pair, checks if `val` matches ' 'the regular expression `pattern` and if so, returns that ' '`value`. If no pattern matches, then `else_value` is returned. ' 'You can have as many `pattern, value` pairs as you want') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val, *args): if (len(args) % 2) != 1: raise ValueError(_('switch requires an odd number of arguments')) i = 0 while i < len(args): if i + 1 >= len(args): return args[i] if re.search(args[i], val, flags=re.I): return args[i+1] i += 2
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinStrcatMax(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'strcat_max' arg_count = -1 category = 'String manipulation' __doc__ = doc = _('strcat_max(max, string1, prefix2, string2, ...) -- ' 'Returns a string formed by concatenating the arguments. The ' 'returned value is initialized to string1. `Prefix, string` ' 'pairs are added to the end of the value as long as the ' 'resulting string length is less than `max`. String1 is returned ' 'even if string1 is longer than max. You can pass as many ' '`prefix, string` pairs as you wish.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, *args): if len(args) < 2: raise ValueError(_('strcat_max requires 2 or more arguments')) if (len(args) % 2) != 0: raise ValueError(_('strcat_max requires an even number of arguments')) try: max = int(args[0]) except: raise ValueError(_('first argument to strcat_max must be an integer')) i = 2 result = args[1] try: while i < len(args): if (len(result) + len(args[i]) + len(args[i+1])) > max: break result = result + args[i] + args[i+1] i += 2 except: pass return result.strip()
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinInList(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'in_list' arg_count = -1 category = 'List lookup' __doc__ = doc = _('in_list(val, separator, pattern, found_val, ..., not_found_val) -- ' 'treat val as a list of items separated by separator, ' 'evaluating the pattern against each value in the list. If the ' 'pattern matches a value, return found_val, otherwise return ' 'not_found_val. The pattern and found_value can be repeated as ' 'many times as desired, permitting returning different values ' 'depending on the search. The patterns are checked in order. The ' 'first match is returned.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val, sep, *args): if (len(args) % 2) != 1: raise ValueError(_('in_list requires an odd number of arguments')) l = [v.strip() for v in val.split(sep) if v.strip()] i = 0 while i < len(args): if i + 1 >= len(args): return args[i] sf = args[i] fv = args[i+1] if l: for v in l: if re.search(sf, v, flags=re.I): return fv i += 2
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinStrInList(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'str_in_list' arg_count = -1 category = 'List lookup' __doc__ = doc = _('str_in_list(val, separator, string, found_val, ..., not_found_val) -- ' 'treat val as a list of items separated by separator, ' 'comparing the string against each value in the list. If the ' 'string matches a value (ignoring case) then return found_val, otherwise return ' 'not_found_val. If the string contains separators, then it is ' 'also treated as a list and each value is checked. The string and ' 'found_value can be repeated as many times as desired, permitting ' 'returning different values depending on the search. The strings are ' 'checked in order. The first match is returned.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val, sep, *args): if (len(args) % 2) != 1: raise ValueError(_('str_in_list requires an odd number of arguments')) l = [v.strip() for v in val.split(sep) if v.strip()] i = 0 while i < len(args): if i + 1 >= len(args): return args[i] sf = args[i] fv = args[i+1] c = [v.strip() for v in sf.split(sep) if v.strip()] if l: for v in l: for t in c: if strcmp(t, v) == 0: return fv i += 2
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinIdentifierInList(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'identifier_in_list' arg_count = 4 category = 'List lookup' __doc__ = doc = _('identifier_in_list(val, id, found_val, not_found_val) -- ' 'treat val as a list of identifiers separated by commas, ' 'comparing the string against each value in the list. An identifier ' 'has the format "identifier:value". The id parameter should be ' 'either "id" or "id:regexp". The first case matches if there is any ' 'identifier with that id. The second case matches if the regexp ' 'matches the identifier\'s value. If there is a match, ' 'return found_val, otherwise return not_found_val.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val, ident, fv, nfv): l = [v.strip() for v in val.split(',') if v.strip()] (id, _, regexp) = ident.partition(':') if not id: return nfv id += ':' if l: for v in l: if v.startswith(id): if not regexp or re.search(regexp, v[len(id):], flags=re.I): return fv return nfv
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinRe(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 're' arg_count = 3 category = 'String manipulation' __doc__ = doc = _('re(val, pattern, replacement) -- return val after applying ' 'the regular expression. All instances of `pattern` are replaced ' 'with `replacement`. As in all of calibre, these are ' 'Python-compatible regular expressions') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val, pattern, replacement): return re.sub(pattern, replacement, val, flags=re.I)
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinReGroup(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 're_group' arg_count = -1 category = 'String manipulation' __doc__ = doc = _('re_group(val, pattern, template_for_group_1, for_group_2, ...) -- ' 'return a string made by applying the regular expression pattern ' 'to the val and replacing each matched instance with the string ' 'computed by replacing each matched group by the value returned ' 'by the corresponding template. The original matched value for the ' 'group is available as $. In template program mode, like for ' 'the template and the eval functions, you use [[ for { and ]] for }.' ' The following example in template program mode looks for series ' 'with more than one word and uppercases the first word: ' "{series:'re_group($, \"(\\S* )(.*)\", \"[[$:uppercase()]]\", \"[[$]]\")'}") def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val, pattern, *args): from calibre.utils.formatter import EvalFormatter def repl(mo): res = '' if mo and mo.lastindex: for dex in range(0, mo.lastindex): gv = mo.group(dex+1) if gv is None: continue if len(args) > dex: template = args[dex].replace('[[', '{').replace(']]', '}') res += EvalFormatter().safe_format(template, {'$': gv}, 'EVAL', None, strip_results=False) else: res += gv return res return re.sub(pattern, repl, val, flags=re.I)
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinSwapAroundComma(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'swap_around_comma' arg_count = 1 category = 'String manipulation' __doc__ = doc = _('swap_around_comma(val) -- given a value of the form ' '"B, A", return "A B". This is most useful for converting names ' 'in LN, FN format to FN LN. If there is no comma, the function ' 'returns val unchanged') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val): return re.sub(r'^(.*?),\s*(.*$)', r'\2 \1', val, flags=re.I).strip()
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinIfempty(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'ifempty' arg_count = 2 category = 'If-then-else' __doc__ = doc = _('ifempty(val, text if empty) -- return val if val is not empty, ' 'otherwise return `text if empty`') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val, value_if_empty): if val: return val else: return value_if_empty
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinShorten(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'shorten' arg_count = 4 category = 'String manipulation' __doc__ = doc = _('shorten(val, left chars, middle text, right chars) -- Return a ' 'shortened version of val, consisting of `left chars` ' 'characters from the beginning of val, followed by ' '`middle text`, followed by `right chars` characters from ' 'the end of the string. `Left chars` and `right chars` must be ' 'integers. For example, assume the title of the book is ' '`Ancient English Laws in the Times of Ivanhoe`, and you want ' 'it to fit in a space of at most 15 characters. If you use ' '{title:shorten(9,-,5)}, the result will be `Ancient E-nhoe`. ' 'If the field\'s length is less than left chars + right chars + ' 'the length of `middle text`, then the field will be used ' 'intact. For example, the title `The Dome` would not be changed.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val, leading, center_string, trailing): l = max(0, int(leading)) t = max(0, int(trailing)) if len(val) > l + len(center_string) + t: return val[0:l] + center_string + ('' if t == 0 else val[-t:]) else: return val
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinCount(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'count' arg_count = 2 category = 'List manipulation' __doc__ = doc = _('count(val, separator) -- interprets the value as a list of items ' 'separated by `separator`, returning the number of items in the ' 'list. Most lists use a comma as the separator, but authors ' 'uses an ampersand. Examples: {tags:count(,)}, {authors:count(&)}') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val, sep): return unicode_type(len([v for v in val.split(sep) if v]))
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinListitem(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'list_item' arg_count = 3 category = 'List lookup' __doc__ = doc = _('list_item(val, index, separator) -- interpret the value as a list of ' 'items separated by `separator`, returning the `index`th item. ' 'The first item is number zero. The last item can be returned ' 'using `list_item(-1,separator)`. If the item is not in the list, ' 'then the empty value is returned. The separator has the same ' 'meaning as in the count function.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val, index, sep): if not val: return '' index = int(index) val = val.split(sep) try: return val[index].strip() except: return ''
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinSelect(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'select' arg_count = 2 category = 'List lookup' __doc__ = doc = _('select(val, key) -- interpret the value as a comma-separated list ' 'of items, with the items being "id:value". Find the pair with the ' 'id equal to key, and return the corresponding value.' ) def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val, key): if not val: return '' vals = [v.strip() for v in val.split(',')] for v in vals: if v.startswith(key+':'): return v[len(key)+1:] return ''
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinApproximateFormats(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'approximate_formats' arg_count = 0 category = 'Get values from metadata' __doc__ = doc = _('approximate_formats() -- return a comma-separated ' 'list of formats that at one point were associated with the ' 'book. There is no guarantee that this list is correct, ' 'although it probably is. ' 'This function can be called in template program mode using ' 'the template "{:\'approximate_formats()\'}". ' 'Note that format names are always uppercase, as in EPUB. ' 'This function works only in the GUI. If you want to use these values ' 'in save-to-disk or send-to-device templates then you ' 'must make a custom "Column built from other columns", use ' 'the function in that column\'s template, and use that ' 'column\'s value in your save/send templates' ) def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals): if hasattr(mi, '_proxy_metadata'): fmt_data = mi._proxy_metadata.db_approx_formats if not fmt_data: return '' data = sorted(fmt_data) return ','.join(v.upper() for v in data) return _('This function can be used only in the GUI')
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinFormatsModtimes(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'formats_modtimes' arg_count = 1 category = 'Get values from metadata' __doc__ = doc = _('formats_modtimes(date_format) -- return a comma-separated ' 'list of colon-separated items representing modification times ' 'for the formats of a book. The date_format parameter ' 'specifies how the date is to be formatted. See the ' 'format_date function for details. You can use the select ' 'function to get the mod time for a specific ' 'format. Note that format names are always uppercase, ' 'as in EPUB.' ) def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, fmt): fmt_data = mi.get('format_metadata', {}) try: data = sorted(fmt_data.items(), key=lambda x:x[1]['mtime'], reverse=True) return ','.join(k.upper()+':'+format_date(v['mtime'], fmt) for k,v in data) except: return ''
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinFormatsSizes(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'formats_sizes' arg_count = 0 category = 'Get values from metadata' __doc__ = doc = _('formats_sizes() -- return a comma-separated list of ' 'colon-separated items representing sizes in bytes ' 'of the formats of a book. You can use the select ' 'function to get the size for a specific ' 'format. Note that format names are always uppercase, ' 'as in EPUB.' ) def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals): fmt_data = mi.get('format_metadata', {}) try: return ','.join(k.upper()+':'+unicode_type(v['size']) for k,v in iteritems(fmt_data)) except: return ''
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinFormatsPaths(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'formats_paths' arg_count = 0 category = 'Get values from metadata' __doc__ = doc = _('formats_paths() -- return a comma-separated list of ' 'colon-separated items representing full path to ' 'the formats of a book. You can use the select ' 'function to get the path for a specific ' 'format. Note that format names are always uppercase, ' 'as in EPUB.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals): fmt_data = mi.get('format_metadata', {}) try: return ','.join(k.upper()+':'+unicode_type(v['path']) for k,v in iteritems(fmt_data)) except: return ''
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinHumanReadable(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'human_readable' arg_count = 1 category = 'Formatting values' __doc__ = doc = _('human_readable(v) -- return a string ' 'representing the number v in KB, MB, GB, etc.' ) def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val): try: return human_readable(round(float(val))) except: return ''
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinFormatNumber(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'format_number' arg_count = 2 category = 'Formatting values' __doc__ = doc = _('format_number(v, template) -- format the number v using ' 'a Python formatting template such as "{0:5.2f}" or ' '"{0:,d}" or "${0:5,.2f}". The field_name part of the ' 'template must be a 0 (zero) (the "{0:" in the above examples). ' 'See the template language and Python documentation for more ' 'examples. You can leave off the leading "{0:" and trailing ' '"}" if the template contains only a format. Returns the empty ' 'string if formatting fails.' ) def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val, template): if val == '' or val == 'None': return '' if '{' not in template: template = '{0:' + template + '}' try: v1 = float(val) except: return '' try: # Try formatting the value as a float return template.format(v1) except: pass try: # Try formatting the value as an int v2 = trunc(v1) if v2 == v1: return template.format(v2) except: pass return ''
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinSublist(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'sublist' arg_count = 4 category = 'List manipulation' __doc__ = doc = _('sublist(val, start_index, end_index, separator) -- interpret the ' 'value as a list of items separated by `separator`, returning a ' 'new list made from the `start_index` to the `end_index` item. ' 'The first item is number zero. If an index is negative, then it ' 'counts from the end of the list. As a special case, an end_index ' 'of zero is assumed to be the length of the list. Examples using ' 'basic template mode and assuming that the tags column (which is ' 'comma-separated) contains "A, B, C": ' '{tags:sublist(0,1,\\\\,)} returns "A". ' '{tags:sublist(-1,0,\\\\,)} returns "C". ' '{tags:sublist(0,-1,\\\\,)} returns "A, B".' ) def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val, start_index, end_index, sep): if not val: return '' si = int(start_index) ei = int(end_index) # allow empty list items so counts are what the user expects val = [v.strip() for v in val.split(sep)] if sep == ',': sep = ', ' try: if ei == 0: return sep.join(val[si:]) else: return sep.join(val[si:ei]) except: return ''
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinSubitems(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'subitems' arg_count = 3 category = 'List manipulation' __doc__ = doc = _('subitems(val, start_index, end_index) -- This function is used to ' 'break apart lists of items such as genres. It interprets the value ' 'as a comma-separated list of items, where each item is a period-' 'separated list. Returns a new list made by first finding all the ' 'period-separated items, then for each such item extracting the ' '`start_index` to the `end_index` components, then combining ' 'the results back together. The first component in a period-' 'separated list has an index of zero. If an index is negative, ' 'then it counts from the end of the list. As a special case, an ' 'end_index of zero is assumed to be the length of the list. ' 'Example using basic template mode and assuming a #genre value of ' '"A.B.C": {#genre:subitems(0,1)} returns "A". {#genre:subitems(0,2)} ' 'returns "A.B". {#genre:subitems(1,0)} returns "B.C". Assuming a #genre ' 'value of "A.B.C, D.E.F", {#genre:subitems(0,1)} returns "A, D". ' '{#genre:subitems(0,2)} returns "A.B, D.E"') period_pattern = re.compile(r'(?<=[^\.\s])\.(?=[^\.\s])', re.U) def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val, start_index, end_index): if not val: return '' si = int(start_index) ei = int(end_index) has_periods = '.' in val items = [v.strip() for v in val.split(',')] rv = set() for item in items: if has_periods and '.' in item: components = self.period_pattern.split(item) else: components = [item] try: if ei == 0: rv.add('.'.join(components[si:])) else: rv.add('.'.join(components[si:ei])) except: pass return ', '.join(sorted(rv, key=sort_key))
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinFormatDate(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'format_date' arg_count = 2 category = 'Formatting values' __doc__ = doc = _('format_date(val, format_string) -- format the value, ' 'which must be a date, using the format_string, returning a string. ' 'The formatting codes are: ' 'd : the day as number without a leading zero (1 to 31) ' 'dd : the day as number with a leading zero (01 to 31) ' 'ddd : the abbreviated localized day name (e.g. "Mon" to "Sun"). ' 'dddd : the long localized day name (e.g. "Monday" to "Sunday"). ' 'M : the month as number without a leading zero (1 to 12). ' 'MM : the month as number with a leading zero (01 to 12) ' 'MMM : the abbreviated localized month name (e.g. "Jan" to "Dec"). ' 'MMMM : the long localized month name (e.g. "January" to "December"). ' 'yy : the year as two digit number (00 to 99). ' 'yyyy : the year as four digit number. ' 'h : the hours without a leading 0 (0 to 11 or 0 to 23, depending on am/pm) ' 'hh : the hours with a leading 0 (00 to 11 or 00 to 23, depending on am/pm) ' 'm : the minutes without a leading 0 (0 to 59) ' 'mm : the minutes with a leading 0 (00 to 59) ' 's : the seconds without a leading 0 (0 to 59) ' 'ss : the seconds with a leading 0 (00 to 59) ' 'ap : use a 12-hour clock instead of a 24-hour clock, with "ap" replaced by the localized string for am or pm ' 'AP : use a 12-hour clock instead of a 24-hour clock, with "AP" replaced by the localized string for AM or PM ' 'iso : the date with time and timezone. Must be the only format present') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val, format_string): if not val or val == 'None': return '' try: dt = parse_date(val) s = format_date(dt, format_string) except: s = 'BAD DATE' return s
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinUppercase(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'uppercase' arg_count = 1 category = 'String case changes' __doc__ = doc = _('uppercase(val) -- return val in upper case') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val): return val.upper()
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinLowercase(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'lowercase' arg_count = 1 category = 'String case changes' __doc__ = doc = _('lowercase(val) -- return val in lower case') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val): return val.lower()
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinTitlecase(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'titlecase' arg_count = 1 category = 'String case changes' __doc__ = doc = _('titlecase(val) -- return val in title case') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val): return titlecase(val)
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinCapitalize(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'capitalize' arg_count = 1 category = 'String case changes' __doc__ = doc = _('capitalize(val) -- return val capitalized') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val): return capitalize(val)
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinBooksize(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'booksize' arg_count = 0 category = 'Get values from metadata' __doc__ = doc = _('booksize() -- return value of the size field. ' 'This function works only in the GUI. If you want to use this value ' 'in save-to-disk or send-to-device templates then you ' 'must make a custom "Column built from other columns", use ' 'the function in that column\'s template, and use that ' 'column\'s value in your save/send templates') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals): if hasattr(mi, '_proxy_metadata'): try: v = mi._proxy_metadata.book_size if v is not None: return unicode_type(mi._proxy_metadata.book_size) return '' except: pass return '' return _('This function can be used only in the GUI')
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinOndevice(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'ondevice' arg_count = 0 category = 'Get values from metadata' __doc__ = doc = _('ondevice() -- return Yes if ondevice is set, otherwise return ' 'the empty string. This function works only in the GUI. If you want to ' 'use this value in save-to-disk or send-to-device templates then you ' 'must make a custom "Column built from other columns", use ' 'the function in that column\'s template, and use that ' 'column\'s value in your save/send templates') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals): if hasattr(mi, '_proxy_metadata'): if mi._proxy_metadata.ondevice_col: return _('Yes') return '' return _('This function can be used only in the GUI')
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinAnnotationCount(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'annotation_count' arg_count = 0 category = 'Get values from metadata' __doc__ = doc = _('annotation_count() -- return the total number of annotations ' 'of all types attached to the current book. ' 'This function works only in the GUI.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals): if hasattr(mi, '_proxy_metadata'): try: from calibre.gui2.ui import get_gui c = get_gui().current_db.new_api.annotation_count_for_book(mi.id) return '' if c == 0 else unicode_type(c) except: return _('Failed to fetch annotation count') return '' return _('This function can be used only in the GUI')
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinSeriesSort(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'series_sort' arg_count = 0 category = 'Get values from metadata' __doc__ = doc = _('series_sort() -- return the series sort value') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals): if mi.series: return title_sort(mi.series) return ''
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinHasCover(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'has_cover' arg_count = 0 category = 'Get values from metadata' __doc__ = doc = _('has_cover() -- return Yes if the book has a cover, ' 'otherwise return the empty string') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals): if mi.has_cover: return _('Yes') return ''
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinFirstNonEmpty(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'first_non_empty' arg_count = -1 category = 'Iterating over values' __doc__ = doc = _('first_non_empty(value, value, ...) -- ' 'returns the first value that is not empty. If all values are ' 'empty, then the empty value is returned. ' 'You can have as many values as you want.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, *args): i = 0 while i < len(args): if args[i]: return args[i] i += 1 return ''
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinAnd(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'and' arg_count = -1 category = 'Boolean' __doc__ = doc = _('and(value, value, ...) -- ' 'returns the string "1" if all values are not empty, otherwise ' 'returns the empty string. This function works well with test or ' 'first_non_empty. You can have as many values as you want. ') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, *args): i = 0 while i < len(args): if not args[i]: return '' i += 1 return '1'
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinOr(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'or' arg_count = -1 category = 'Boolean' __doc__ = doc = _('or(value, value, ...) -- ' 'returns the string "1" if any value is not empty, otherwise ' 'returns the empty string. This function works well with test or ' 'first_non_empty. You can have as many values as you want.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, *args): i = 0 while i < len(args): if args[i]: return '1' i += 1 return ''
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinNot(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'not' arg_count = 1 category = 'Boolean' __doc__ = doc = _('not(value) -- ' 'returns the string "1" if the value is empty, otherwise ' 'returns the empty string. This function works well with test or ' 'first_non_empty.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val): return '' if val else '1'
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinListUnion(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'list_union' arg_count = 3 category = 'List manipulation' __doc__ = doc = _('list_union(list1, list2, separator) -- ' 'return a list made by merging the items in list1 and list2, ' 'removing duplicate items using a case-insensitive comparison. If ' 'items differ in case, the one in list1 is used. ' 'The items in list1 and list2 are separated by separator, as are ' 'the items in the returned list.') aliases = ['merge_lists'] def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, list1, list2, separator): res = [l.strip() for l in list1.split(separator) if l.strip()] l2 = [l.strip() for l in list2.split(separator) if l.strip()] lcl1 = {icu_lower(l) for l in res} for i in l2: if icu_lower(i) not in lcl1 and i not in res: res.append(i) if separator == ',': return ', '.join(res) return separator.join(res)
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinListDifference(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'list_difference' arg_count = 3 category = 'List manipulation' __doc__ = doc = _('list_difference(list1, list2, separator) -- ' 'return a list made by removing from list1 any item found in list2, ' 'using a case-insensitive comparison. The items in list1 and list2 ' 'are separated by separator, as are the items in the returned list.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, list1, list2, separator): l1 = [l.strip() for l in list1.split(separator) if l.strip()] l2 = {icu_lower(l.strip()) for l in list2.split(separator) if l.strip()} res = [] for i in l1: if icu_lower(i) not in l2 and i not in res: res.append(i) if separator == ',': return ', '.join(res) return separator.join(res)
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinListIntersection(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'list_intersection' arg_count = 3 category = 'List manipulation' __doc__ = doc = _('list_intersection(list1, list2, separator) -- ' 'return a list made by removing from list1 any item not found in list2, ' 'using a case-insensitive comparison. The items in list1 and list2 ' 'are separated by separator, as are the items in the returned list.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, list1, list2, separator): l1 = [l.strip() for l in list1.split(separator) if l.strip()] l2 = {icu_lower(l.strip()) for l in list2.split(separator) if l.strip()} res = [] for i in l1: if icu_lower(i) in l2 and i not in res: res.append(i) if separator == ',': return ', '.join(res) return separator.join(res)
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinListSort(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'list_sort' arg_count = 3 category = 'List manipulation' __doc__ = doc = _('list_sort(list, direction, separator) -- ' 'return list sorted using a case-insensitive sort. If direction is ' 'zero, the list is sorted ascending, otherwise descending. The list items ' 'are separated by separator, as are the items in the returned list.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, list1, direction, separator): res = [l.strip() for l in list1.split(separator) if l.strip()] if separator == ',': return ', '.join(sorted(res, key=sort_key, reverse=direction != "0")) return separator.join(sorted(res, key=sort_key, reverse=direction != "0"))
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinListEquals(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'list_equals' arg_count = 6 category = 'List manipulation' __doc__ = doc = _('list_equals(list1, sep1, list2, sep2, yes_val, no_val) -- ' 'return yes_val if list1 and list2 contain the same items, ' 'otherwise return no_val. The items are determined by splitting ' 'each list using the appropriate separator character (sep1 or ' 'sep2). The order of items in the lists is not relevant. ' 'The comparison is case insensitive.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, list1, sep1, list2, sep2, yes_val, no_val): s1 = {icu_lower(l.strip()) for l in list1.split(sep1) if l.strip()} s2 = {icu_lower(l.strip()) for l in list2.split(sep2) if l.strip()} if s1 == s2: return yes_val return no_val
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinListRe(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'list_re' arg_count = 4 category = 'List manipulation' __doc__ = doc = _('list_re(src_list, separator, include_re, opt_replace) -- ' 'Construct a list by first separating src_list into items using ' 'the separator character. For each item in the list, check if it ' 'matches include_re. If it does, then add it to the list to be ' 'returned. If opt_replace is not the empty string, then apply the ' 'replacement before adding the item to the returned list.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, src_list, separator, include_re, opt_replace): l = [l.strip() for l in src_list.split(separator) if l.strip()] res = [] for item in l: if re.search(include_re, item, flags=re.I) is not None: if opt_replace: item = re.sub(include_re, opt_replace, item) for i in [t.strip() for t in item.split(separator) if t.strip()]: if i not in res: res.append(i) if separator == ',': return ', '.join(res) return separator.join(res)
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinListReGroup(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'list_re_group' arg_count = -1 category = 'List manipulation' __doc__ = doc = _('list_re_group(src_list, separator, include_re, search_re, group_1_template, ...) -- ' 'Like list_re except replacements are not optional. It ' 'uses re_group(list_item, search_re, group_1_template, ...) when ' 'doing the replacements on the resulting list.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, src_list, separator, include_re, search_re, *args): from calibre.utils.formatter import EvalFormatter l = [l.strip() for l in src_list.split(separator) if l.strip()] res = [] for item in l: def repl(mo): newval = '' if mo and mo.lastindex: for dex in range(0, mo.lastindex): gv = mo.group(dex+1) if gv is None: continue if len(args) > dex: template = args[dex].replace('[[', '{').replace(']]', '}') newval += EvalFormatter().safe_format(template, {'$': gv}, 'EVAL', None, strip_results=False) else: newval += gv return newval if re.search(include_re, item, flags=re.I) is not None: item = re.sub(search_re, repl, item, flags=re.I) for i in [t.strip() for t in item.split(separator) if t.strip()]: if i not in res: res.append(i) if separator == ',': return ', '.join(res) return separator.join(res)
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinToday(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'today' arg_count = 0 category = 'Date functions' __doc__ = doc = _('today() -- ' 'return a date string for today. This value is designed for use in ' 'format_date or days_between, but can be manipulated like any ' 'other string. The date is in ISO format.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals): return format_date(now(), 'iso')
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinDaysBetween(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'days_between' arg_count = 2 category = 'Date functions' __doc__ = doc = _('days_between(date1, date2) -- ' 'return the number of days between date1 and date2. The number is ' 'positive if date1 is greater than date2, otherwise negative. If ' 'either date1 or date2 are not dates, the function returns the ' 'empty string.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, date1, date2): try: d1 = parse_date(date1) if d1 == UNDEFINED_DATE: return '' d2 = parse_date(date2) if d2 == UNDEFINED_DATE: return '' except: return '' i = d1 - d2 return '%.1f'%(i.days + (i.seconds/(24.0*60.0*60.0)))
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinLanguageStrings(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'language_strings' arg_count = 2 category = 'Get values from metadata' __doc__ = doc = _('language_strings(lang_codes, localize) -- ' 'return the strings for the language codes passed in lang_codes. ' 'If localize is zero, return the strings in English. If ' 'localize is not zero, return the strings in the language of ' 'the current locale. Lang_codes is a comma-separated list.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, lang_codes, localize): retval = [] for c in [c.strip() for c in lang_codes.split(',') if c.strip()]: try: n = calibre_langcode_to_name(c, localize != '0') if n: retval.append(n) except: pass return ', '.join(retval)
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinLanguageCodes(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'language_codes' arg_count = 1 category = 'Get values from metadata' __doc__ = doc = _('language_codes(lang_strings) -- ' 'return the language codes for the strings passed in lang_strings. ' 'The strings must be in the language of the current locale. ' 'Lang_strings is a comma-separated list.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, lang_strings): retval = [] for c in [c.strip() for c in lang_strings.split(',') if c.strip()]: try: cv = canonicalize_lang(c) if cv: retval.append(canonicalize_lang(cv)) except: pass return ', '.join(retval)
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinCurrentLibraryName(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'current_library_name' arg_count = 0 category = 'Get values from metadata' __doc__ = doc = _('current_library_name() -- ' 'return the last name on the path to the current calibre library. ' 'This function can be called in template program mode using the ' 'template "{:\'current_library_name()\'}".') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals): from calibre.library import current_library_name return current_library_name()
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinCurrentLibraryPath(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'current_library_path' arg_count = 0 category = 'Get values from metadata' __doc__ = doc = _('current_library_path() -- ' 'return the path to the current calibre library. This function can ' 'be called in template program mode using the template ' '"{:\'current_library_path()\'}".') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals): from calibre.library import current_library_path return current_library_path()
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinFinishFormatting(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'finish_formatting' arg_count = 4 category = 'Formatting values' __doc__ = doc = _('finish_formatting(val, fmt, prefix, suffix) -- apply the ' 'format, prefix, and suffix to a value in the same way as ' 'done in a template like `{series_index:05.2f| - |- }`. For ' 'example, the following program produces the same output ' 'as the above template: ' 'program: finish_formatting(field("series_index"), "05.2f", " - ", " - ")') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals_, val, fmt, prefix, suffix): if not val: return val return prefix + formatter._do_format(val, fmt) + suffix
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinVirtualLibraries(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'virtual_libraries' arg_count = 0 category = 'Get values from metadata' __doc__ = doc = _('virtual_libraries() -- return a comma-separated list of ' 'Virtual libraries that contain this book. This function ' 'works only in the GUI. If you want to use these values ' 'in save-to-disk or send-to-device templates then you ' 'must make a custom "Column built from other columns", use ' 'the function in that column\'s template, and use that ' 'column\'s value in your save/send templates') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals_): if hasattr(mi, '_proxy_metadata'): return mi._proxy_metadata.virtual_libraries return _('This function can be used only in the GUI')
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinUserCategories(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'user_categories' arg_count = 0 category = 'Get values from metadata' __doc__ = doc = _('user_categories() -- return a comma-separated list of ' 'the user categories that contain this book. This function ' 'works only in the GUI. If you want to use these values ' 'in save-to-disk or send-to-device templates then you ' 'must make a custom "Column built from other columns", use ' 'the function in that column\'s template, and use that ' 'column\'s value in your save/send templates') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals_): if hasattr(mi, '_proxy_metadata'): cats = set(k for k, v in iteritems(mi._proxy_metadata.user_categories) if v) cats = sorted(cats, key=sort_key) return ', '.join(cats) return _('This function can be used only in the GUI')
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinTransliterate(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'transliterate' arg_count = 1 category = 'String manipulation' __doc__ = doc = _('transliterate(a) -- Returns a string in a latin alphabet ' 'formed by approximating the sound of the words in the ' 'source string. For example, if the source is "{0}"' ' the function returns "{1}".').format( u"Фёдор Миха́йлович Достоевский", 'Fiodor Mikhailovich Dostoievskii') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, source): from calibre.utils.filenames import ascii_text return ascii_text(source)
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinAuthorSorts(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'author_sorts' arg_count = 1 category = 'Get values from metadata' __doc__ = doc = _('author_sorts(val_separator) -- returns a string ' 'containing a list of author\'s sort values for the ' 'authors of the book. The sort is the one in the author ' 'metadata (different from the author_sort in books). The ' 'returned list has the form author sort 1 val_separator ' 'author sort 2 etc. The author sort values in this list ' 'are in the same order as the authors of the book. If ' 'you want spaces around val_separator then include them ' 'in the separator string') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val_sep): sort_data = mi.author_sort_map if not sort_data: return '' names = [sort_data.get(n) for n in mi.authors if n.strip()] return val_sep.join(n for n in names)
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinConnectedDeviceName(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'connected_device_name' arg_count = 1 category = 'Get values from metadata' __doc__ = doc = _("connected_device_name(storage_location) -- if a device is " "connected then return the device name, otherwise return " "the empty string. Each storage location on a device can " "have a different name. The location names are 'main', " "'carda' and 'cardb'. This function works only in the GUI.") def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, storage_location): if hasattr(mi, '_proxy_metadata'): # Do the import here so that we don't entangle the GUI when using # command line functions from calibre.gui2.ui import get_gui info = get_gui().device_manager.get_current_device_information() if info is None: return '' try: if storage_location not in {'main', 'carda', 'cardb'}: raise ValueError( _('connected_device_name: invalid storage location "{0}"' .format(storage_location))) info = info['info'][4] if storage_location not in info: return '' return info[storage_location]['device_name'] except: traceback.print_exc() raise return _('This function can be used only in the GUI')
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinCheckYesNo(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'check_yes_no' arg_count = 4 category = 'If-then-else' __doc__ = doc = _('check_yes_no(field_name, is_undefined, is_false, is_true) ' '-- checks the value of the yes/no field named by the ' 'lookup key field_name for a value specified by the ' 'parameters, returning "yes" if a match is found, otherwise ' 'returning an empty string. Set the parameter is_undefined, ' 'is_false, or is_true to 1 (the number) to check that ' 'condition, otherwise set it to 0. Example: ' 'check_yes_no("#bool", 1, 0, 1) returns "yes" if the ' 'yes/no field "#bool" is either undefined (neither True ' 'nor False) or True. More than one of is_undefined, ' 'is_false, or is_true can be set to 1. This function ' 'is usually used by the test() or is_empty() functions.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, field, is_undefined, is_false, is_true): res = getattr(mi, field, None) if res is None: if is_undefined == '1': return 'yes' return "" if not isinstance(res, bool): raise ValueError(_('check_yes_no requires the field be a Yes/No custom column')) if is_false == '1' and not res: return 'yes' if is_true == '1' and res: return 'yes' return ""
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinRatingToStars(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'rating_to_stars' arg_count = 2 category = 'Formatting values' __doc__ = doc = _('rating_to_stars(value, use_half_stars) ' '-- Returns the rating as string of star characters. ' 'The value is a number between 0 and 5. Set use_half_stars ' 'to 1 if you want half star characters for custom ratings ' 'columns that support non-integer ratings, for example 2.5.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, value, use_half_stars): if not value: return '' err_msg = _('The rating must be a number between 0 and 5') try: v = float(value) * 2 except: raise ValueError(err_msg) if v < 0 or v > 10: raise ValueError(err_msg) from calibre.ebooks.metadata import rating_to_stars return rating_to_stars(v, use_half_stars == '1')
[τεκμηρίωση]class BuiltinSwapAroundArticles(BuiltinFormatterFunction): name = 'swap_around_articles' arg_count = 2 category = 'String manipulation' __doc__ = doc = _('swap_around_articles(val, separator) ' '-- returns the val with articles moved to the end. ' 'The value can be a list, in which case each member ' 'of the list is processed. If the value is a list then ' 'you must provide the list value separator. If no ' 'separator is provided then the value is treated as ' 'being a single value, not a list.') def evaluate(self, formatter, kwargs, mi, locals, val, separator): if not val: return '' if not separator: return title_sort(val).replace(',', ';') result = [] try: for v in [x.strip() for x in val.split(separator)]: result.append(title_sort(v).replace(',', ';')) except: traceback.print_exc() return separator.join(sorted(result, key=sort_key))
_formatter_builtins = [ BuiltinAdd(), BuiltinAnd(), BuiltinApproximateFormats(), BuiltinAssign(), BuiltinAuthorLinks(), BuiltinAuthorSorts(), BuiltinBooksize(), BuiltinCapitalize(), BuiltinCheckYesNo(), BuiltinCeiling(), BuiltinCmp(), BuiltinConnectedDeviceName(), BuiltinContains(), BuiltinCount(), BuiltinCurrentLibraryName(), BuiltinCurrentLibraryPath(), BuiltinDaysBetween(), BuiltinDivide(), BuiltinEval(), BuiltinFirstNonEmpty(), BuiltinField(), BuiltinFinishFormatting(), BuiltinFirstMatchingCmp(), BuiltinFloor(), BuiltinFormatDate(), BuiltinFormatNumber(), BuiltinFormatsModtimes(), BuiltinFormatsPaths(), BuiltinFormatsSizes(), BuiltinFractionalPart(), BuiltinHasCover(), BuiltinHumanReadable(), BuiltinIdentifierInList(), BuiltinIfempty(), BuiltinLanguageCodes(), BuiltinLanguageStrings(), BuiltinInList(), BuiltinListDifference(), BuiltinListEquals(), BuiltinListIntersection(), BuiltinListitem(), BuiltinListRe(), BuiltinListReGroup(), BuiltinListSort(), BuiltinListUnion(), BuiltinLookup(), BuiltinLowercase(), BuiltinMod(), BuiltinMultiply(), BuiltinNot(), BuiltinOndevice(), BuiltinOr(), BuiltinPrint(), BuiltinRatingToStars(), BuiltinRawField(), BuiltinRawList(), BuiltinRe(), BuiltinReGroup(), BuiltinRound(), BuiltinSelect(), BuiltinSeriesSort(), BuiltinShorten(), BuiltinStrcat(), BuiltinStrcatMax(), BuiltinStrcmp(), BuiltinStrInList(), BuiltinStrlen(), BuiltinSubitems(), BuiltinSublist(),BuiltinSubstr(), BuiltinSubtract(), BuiltinSwapAroundArticles(), BuiltinSwapAroundComma(), BuiltinSwitch(), BuiltinTemplate(), BuiltinTest(), BuiltinTitlecase(), BuiltinToday(), BuiltinTransliterate(), BuiltinUppercase(), BuiltinUserCategories(), BuiltinVirtualLibraries(), BuiltinAnnotationCount() ] class FormatterUserFunction(FormatterFunction): def __init__(self, name, doc, arg_count, program_text, is_python): self.is_python = is_python self.name = name self.doc = doc self.arg_count = arg_count self.program_text = program_text self.cached_parse_tree = None def to_pref(self): return [self.name, self.doc, self.arg_count, self.program_text] tabs = re.compile(r'^\t*') def function_pref_is_python(pref): if isinstance(pref, list): pref = pref[3] if pref.startswith('def'): return True if pref.startswith('program'): return False raise ValueError('Unknown program type in formatter function pref') def function_pref_name(pref): return pref[0] def compile_user_function(name, doc, arg_count, eval_func): if not function_pref_is_python(eval_func): return FormatterUserFunction(name, doc, arg_count, eval_func, False) def replace_func(mo): return mo.group().replace('\t', ' ') func = ' ' + '\n '.join([tabs.sub(replace_func, line) for line in eval_func.splitlines()]) prog = ''' from calibre.utils.formatter_functions import FormatterUserFunction from calibre.utils.formatter_functions import formatter_functions class UserFunction(FormatterUserFunction): ''' + func locals_ = {} if DEBUG and tweaks.get('enable_template_debug_printing', False): print(prog) exec(prog, locals_) cls = locals_['UserFunction'](name, doc, arg_count, eval_func, True) return cls def compile_user_template_functions(funcs): compiled_funcs = {} for func in funcs: try: # Force a name conflict to test the logic # if func[0] == 'myFunc2': # func[0] = 'myFunc3' # Compile the function so that the tab processing is done on the # source. This helps ensure that if the function already is defined # then white space differences don't cause them to compare differently cls = compile_user_function(*func) cls.is_python = function_pref_is_python(func) compiled_funcs[cls.name] = cls except Exception: try: func_name = func[0] except Exception: func_name = 'Unknown' prints('**** Compilation errors in user template function "%s" ****' % func_name) traceback.print_exc(limit=10) prints('**** End compilation errors in %s "****"' % func_name) return compiled_funcs def load_user_template_functions(library_uuid, funcs, precompiled_user_functions=None): unload_user_template_functions(library_uuid) if precompiled_user_functions: compiled_funcs = precompiled_user_functions else: compiled_funcs = compile_user_template_functions(funcs) formatter_functions().register_functions(library_uuid, list(compiled_funcs.values())) def unload_user_template_functions(library_uuid): formatter_functions().unregister_functions(library_uuid)