Πηγαίος κώδικας για το calibre.gui2.actions

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim:fileencoding=UTF-8:ts=4:sw=4:sta:et:sts=4:ai

__license__   = 'GPL v3'
__copyright__ = '2010, Kovid Goyal <kovid@kovidgoyal.net>'
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

from functools import partial
from zipfile import ZipFile

from PyQt5.Qt import (QToolButton, QAction, QIcon, QObject, QMenu,

from calibre import prints
from calibre.constants import ismacos
from calibre.gui2 import Dispatcher
from calibre.gui2.keyboard import NameConflict
from polyglot.builtins import unicode_type, string_or_bytes

def menu_action_unique_name(plugin, unique_name):
    return '%s : menu action : %s'%(plugin.unique_name, unique_name)

[τεκμηρίωση]class InterfaceAction(QObject): ''' A plugin representing an "action" that can be taken in the graphical user interface. All the items in the toolbar and context menus are implemented by these plugins. Note that this class is the base class for these plugins, however, to integrate the plugin with calibre's plugin system, you have to make a wrapper class that references the actual plugin. See the :mod:`calibre.customize.builtins` module for examples. If two :class:`InterfaceAction` objects have the same name, the one with higher priority takes precedence. Sub-classes should implement the :meth:`genesis`, :meth:`library_changed`, :meth:`location_selected` :meth:`shutting_down` and :meth:`initialization_complete` methods. Once initialized, this plugin has access to the main calibre GUI via the :attr:`gui` member. You can access other plugins by name, for example:: self.gui.iactions['Save To Disk'] To access the actual plugin, use the :attr:`interface_action_base_plugin` attribute, this attribute only becomes available after the plugin has been initialized. Useful if you want to use methods from the plugin class like do_user_config(). The QAction specified by :attr:`action_spec` is automatically create and made available as ``self.qaction``. ''' #: The plugin name. If two plugins with the same name are present, the one #: with higher priority takes precedence. name = 'Implement me' #: The plugin priority. If two plugins with the same name are present, the one #: with higher priority takes precedence. priority = 1 #: The menu popup type for when this plugin is added to a toolbar popup_type = QToolButton.ToolButtonPopupMode.MenuButtonPopup #: Whether this action should be auto repeated when its shortcut #: key is held down. auto_repeat = False #: Of the form: (text, icon_path, tooltip, keyboard shortcut) #: icon, tooltip and keyboard shortcut can be None #: shortcut must be a string, None or tuple of shortcuts. #: If None, a keyboard shortcut corresponding to the action is not #: registered. If you pass an empty tuple, then the shortcut is registered #: with no default key binding. action_spec = ('text', 'icon', None, None) #: If True, a menu is automatically created and added to self.qaction action_add_menu = False #: If True, a clone of self.qaction is added to the menu of self.qaction #: If you want the text of this action to be different from that of #: self.qaction, set this variable to the new text action_menu_clone_qaction = False #: Set of locations to which this action must not be added. #: See :attr:`all_locations` for a list of possible locations dont_add_to = frozenset() #: Set of locations from which this action must not be removed. #: See :attr:`all_locations` for a list of possible locations dont_remove_from = frozenset() all_locations = frozenset(['toolbar', 'toolbar-device', 'context-menu', 'context-menu-device', 'toolbar-child', 'menubar', 'menubar-device', 'context-menu-cover-browser', 'context-menu-split']) #: Type of action #: 'current' means acts on the current view #: 'global' means an action that does not act on the current view, but rather #: on calibre as a whole action_type = 'global' #: If True, then this InterfaceAction will have the opportunity to interact #: with drag and drop events. See the methods, :meth:`accept_enter_event`, #: :meth`:accept_drag_move_event`, :meth:`drop_event` for details. accepts_drops = False def __init__(self, parent, site_customization): QObject.__init__(self, parent) self.setObjectName(self.name) self.gui = parent self.site_customization = site_customization self.interface_action_base_plugin = None
[τεκμηρίωση] def accept_enter_event(self, event, mime_data): ''' This method should return True iff this interface action is capable of handling the drag event. Do not call accept/ignore on the event, that will be taken care of by the calibre UI.''' return False
[τεκμηρίωση] def accept_drag_move_event(self, event, mime_data): ''' This method should return True iff this interface action is capable of handling the drag event. Do not call accept/ignore on the event, that will be taken care of by the calibre UI.''' return False
[τεκμηρίωση] def drop_event(self, event, mime_data): ''' This method should perform some useful action and return True iff this interface action is capable of handling the drop event. Do not call accept/ignore on the event, that will be taken care of by the calibre UI. You should not perform blocking/long operations in this function. Instead emit a signal or use QTimer.singleShot and return quickly. See the builtin actions for examples.''' return False
def do_genesis(self): self.Dispatcher = partial(Dispatcher, parent=self) self.create_action() self.gui.addAction(self.qaction) self.gui.addAction(self.menuless_qaction) self.genesis() self.location_selected('library') @property def unique_name(self): bn = self.__class__.__name__ if getattr(self.interface_action_base_plugin, 'name'): bn = self.interface_action_base_plugin.name return 'Interface Action: %s (%s)'%(bn, self.name) def create_action(self, spec=None, attr='qaction', shortcut_name=None, persist_shortcut=False): if spec is None: spec = self.action_spec text, icon, tooltip, shortcut = spec if icon is not None: action = QAction(QIcon(I(icon)), text, self.gui) else: action = QAction(text, self.gui) if attr == 'qaction': if hasattr(self.action_menu_clone_qaction, 'rstrip'): mt = unicode_type(self.action_menu_clone_qaction) else: mt = action.text() self.menuless_qaction = ma = QAction(action.icon(), mt, self.gui) ma.triggered.connect(action.trigger) for a in ((action, ma) if attr == 'qaction' else (action,)): a.setAutoRepeat(self.auto_repeat) text = tooltip if tooltip else text a.setToolTip(text) a.setStatusTip(text) a.setWhatsThis(text) shortcut_action = action desc = tooltip if tooltip else None if attr == 'qaction': shortcut_action = ma if shortcut is not None: keys = ((shortcut,) if isinstance(shortcut, string_or_bytes) else tuple(shortcut)) if shortcut_name is None and spec[0]: shortcut_name = unicode_type(spec[0]) if shortcut_name and self.action_spec[0] and not ( attr == 'qaction' and self.popup_type == QToolButton.ToolButtonPopupMode.InstantPopup): try: self.gui.keyboard.register_shortcut(self.unique_name + ' - ' + attr, shortcut_name, default_keys=keys, action=shortcut_action, description=desc, group=self.action_spec[0], persist_shortcut=persist_shortcut) except NameConflict as e: try: prints(unicode_type(e)) except: pass shortcut_action.setShortcuts([QKeySequence(key, QKeySequence.SequenceFormat.PortableText) for key in keys]) else: self.shortcut_action_for_context_menu = shortcut_action if ismacos: # In Qt 5 keyboard shortcuts dont work unless the # action is explicitly added to the main window self.gui.addAction(shortcut_action) if attr is not None: setattr(self, attr, action) if attr == 'qaction' and self.action_add_menu: menu = QMenu() action.setMenu(menu) if self.action_menu_clone_qaction: menu.addAction(self.menuless_qaction) return action
[τεκμηρίωση] def create_menu_action(self, menu, unique_name, text, icon=None, shortcut=None, description=None, triggered=None, shortcut_name=None, persist_shortcut=False): ''' Convenience method to easily add actions to a QMenu. Returns the created QAction. This action has one extra attribute calibre_shortcut_unique_name which if not None refers to the unique name under which this action is registered with the keyboard manager. :param menu: The QMenu the newly created action will be added to :param unique_name: A unique name for this action, this must be globally unique, so make it as descriptive as possible. If in doubt, add an UUID to it. :param text: The text of the action. :param icon: Either a QIcon or a file name. The file name is passed to the I() builtin, so you do not need to pass the full path to the images directory. :param shortcut: A string, a list of strings, None or False. If False, no keyboard shortcut is registered for this action. If None, a keyboard shortcut with no default keybinding is registered. String and list of strings register a shortcut with default keybinding as specified. :param description: A description for this action. Used to set tooltips. :param triggered: A callable which is connected to the triggered signal of the created action. :param shortcut_name: The text displayed to the user when customizing the keyboard shortcuts for this action. By default it is set to the value of ``text``. :param persist_shortcut: Shortcuts for actions that don't always appear, or are library dependent, may disappear when other keyboard shortcuts are edited unless ```persist_shortcut``` is set True. ''' if shortcut_name is None: shortcut_name = unicode_type(text) ac = menu.addAction(text) if icon is not None: if not isinstance(icon, QIcon): icon = QIcon(I(icon)) ac.setIcon(icon) keys = () if shortcut is not None and shortcut is not False: keys = ((shortcut,) if isinstance(shortcut, string_or_bytes) else tuple(shortcut)) unique_name = menu_action_unique_name(self, unique_name) if description is not None: ac.setToolTip(description) ac.setStatusTip(description) ac.setWhatsThis(description) ac.calibre_shortcut_unique_name = unique_name if shortcut is not False: self.gui.keyboard.register_shortcut(unique_name, shortcut_name, default_keys=keys, action=ac, description=description, group=self.action_spec[0], persist_shortcut=persist_shortcut) # In Qt 5 keyboard shortcuts dont work unless the # action is explicitly added to the main window and on OSX and # Unity since the menu might be exported, the shortcuts wont work self.gui.addAction(ac) if triggered is not None: ac.triggered.connect(triggered) return ac
[τεκμηρίωση] def load_resources(self, names): ''' If this plugin comes in a ZIP file (user added plugin), this method will allow you to load resources from the ZIP file. For example to load an image:: pixmap = QPixmap() pixmap.loadFromData(tuple(self.load_resources(['images/icon.png']).values())[0]) icon = QIcon(pixmap) :param names: List of paths to resources in the ZIP file using / as separator :return: A dictionary of the form ``{name : file_contents}``. Any names that were not found in the ZIP file will not be present in the dictionary. ''' if self.plugin_path is None: raise ValueError('This plugin was not loaded from a ZIP file') ans = {} with ZipFile(self.plugin_path, 'r') as zf: for candidate in zf.namelist(): if candidate in names: ans[candidate] = zf.read(candidate) return ans
[τεκμηρίωση] def genesis(self): ''' Setup this plugin. Only called once during initialization. self.gui is available. The action specified by :attr:`action_spec` is available as ``self.qaction``. ''' pass
[τεκμηρίωση] def location_selected(self, loc): ''' Called whenever the book list being displayed in calibre changes. Currently values for loc are: ``library, main, card and cardb``. This method should enable/disable this action and its sub actions as appropriate for the location. ''' pass
[τεκμηρίωση] def library_changed(self, db): ''' Called whenever the current library is changed. :param db: The LibraryDatabase corresponding to the current library. ''' pass
[τεκμηρίωση] def gui_layout_complete(self): ''' Called once per action when the layout of the main GUI is completed. If your action needs to make changes to the layout, they should be done here, rather than in :meth:`initialization_complete`. ''' pass
[τεκμηρίωση] def initialization_complete(self): ''' Called once per action when the initialization of the main GUI is completed. ''' pass
[τεκμηρίωση] def shutting_down(self): ''' Called once per plugin when the main GUI is in the process of shutting down. Release any used resources, but try not to block the shutdown for long periods of time. ''' pass