#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim:fileencoding=UTF-8:ts=4:sw=4:sta:et:sts=4:ai
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
__license__ = 'GPL v3'
__copyright__ = '2011, Kovid Goyal <kovid@kovidgoyal.net>'
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
import re
import threading
from functools import total_ordering
from calibre import browser, random_user_agent
from calibre.customize import Plugin
from calibre.ebooks.metadata import check_isbn
from calibre.ebooks.metadata.author_mapper import cap_author_token
from calibre.utils.localization import canonicalize_lang, get_lang
from polyglot.builtins import cmp, iteritems
def create_log(ostream=None):
from calibre.utils.logging import FileStream, ThreadSafeLog
log = ThreadSafeLog(level=ThreadSafeLog.DEBUG)
log.outputs = [FileStream(ostream)]
return log
# Comparing Metadata objects for relevance {{{
words = ('the', 'a', 'an', 'of', 'and')
prefix_pat = re.compile(r'^(%s)\s+'%('|'.join(words)))
trailing_paren_pat = re.compile(r'\(.*\)$')
whitespace_pat = re.compile(r'\s+')
def cleanup_title(s):
if not s:
s = _('Unknown')
s = s.strip().lower()
s = prefix_pat.sub(' ', s)
s = trailing_paren_pat.sub('', s)
s = whitespace_pat.sub(' ', s)
return s.strip()
# }}}
def get_cached_cover_urls(mi):
from calibre.customize.ui import metadata_plugins
plugins = list(metadata_plugins(['identify']))
for p in plugins:
url = p.get_cached_cover_url(mi.identifiers)
if url:
yield (p, url)
def dump_caches():
from calibre.customize.ui import metadata_plugins
return {p.name:p.dump_caches() for p in metadata_plugins(['identify'])}
def load_caches(dump):
from calibre.customize.ui import metadata_plugins
plugins = list(metadata_plugins(['identify']))
for p in plugins:
cache = dump.get(p.name, None)
if cache:
def fixauthors(authors):
if not authors:
return authors
ans = []
for x in authors:
ans.append(' '.join(map(cap_author_token, x.split())))
return ans
def fixcase(x):
if x:
from calibre.utils.titlecase import titlecase
x = titlecase(x)
return x
class Option:
__slots__ = ('choices', 'default', 'desc', 'label', 'name', 'type')
def __init__(self, name, type_, default, label, desc, choices=None):
:param name: The name of this option. Must be a valid python identifier
:param type_: The type of this option, one of ('number', 'string',
'bool', 'choices')
:param default: The default value for this option
:param label: A short (few words) description of this option
:param desc: A longer description of this option
:param choices: A dict of possible values, used only if type='choices'.
dict is of the form {key:human readable label, ...}
self.name, self.type, self.default, self.label, self.desc = (name,
type_, default, label, desc)
if choices and not isinstance(choices, dict):
choices = {x: x for x in choices}
self.choices = choices
class Source(Plugin):
type = _('Metadata source')
author = 'Kovid Goyal'
supported_platforms = ['windows', 'osx', 'linux']
#: Set of capabilities supported by this plugin.
#: Useful capabilities are: 'identify', 'cover'
capabilities = frozenset()
#: List of metadata fields that can potentially be download by this plugin
#: during the identify phase
touched_fields = frozenset()
#: Set this to True if your plugin returns HTML formatted comments
has_html_comments = False
#: Setting this to True means that the browser object will indicate
#: that it supports gzip transfer encoding. This can speedup downloads
#: but make sure that the source actually supports gzip transfer encoding
#: correctly first
supports_gzip_transfer_encoding = False
#: Set this to True to ignore HTTPS certificate errors when connecting
#: to this source.
ignore_ssl_errors = False
#: Cached cover URLs can sometimes be unreliable (i.e. the download could
#: fail or the returned image could be bogus). If that is often the case
#: with this source, set to False
cached_cover_url_is_reliable = True
#: A list of :class:`Option` objects. They will be used to automatically
#: construct the configuration widget for this plugin
options = ()
#: A string that is displayed at the top of the config widget for this
#: plugin
config_help_message = None
#: If True this source can return multiple covers for a given query
can_get_multiple_covers = False
#: If set to True covers downloaded by this plugin are automatically trimmed.
auto_trim_covers = False
#: If set to True, and this source returns multiple results for a query,
#: some of which have ISBNs and some of which do not, the results without
#: ISBNs will be ignored
prefer_results_with_isbn = True
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Plugin.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.running_a_test = False # Set to True when using identify_test()
self._isbn_to_identifier_cache = {}
self._identifier_to_cover_url_cache = {}
self.cache_lock = threading.RLock()
self._config_obj = None
self._browser = None
self.prefs.defaults['ignore_fields'] = []
for opt in self.options:
self.prefs.defaults[opt.name] = opt.default
# Configuration {{{
def is_customizable(self):
return True
def customization_help(self):
return 'This plugin can only be customized using the GUI'
def save_settings(self, config_widget):
def prefs(self):
if self._config_obj is None:
from calibre.utils.config import JSONConfig
self._config_obj = JSONConfig('metadata_sources/%s.json'%self.name)
return self._config_obj
# }}}
# Browser {{{
def user_agent(self):
# Pass in an index to random_user_agent() to test with a particular
# user agent
return random_user_agent()
def browser(self):
if self._browser is None:
self._browser = browser(user_agent=self.user_agent, verify_ssl_certificates=not self.ignore_ssl_errors)
if self.supports_gzip_transfer_encoding:
return self._browser.clone_browser()
# }}}
# Caching {{{
def get_related_isbns(self, id_):
with self.cache_lock:
for isbn, q in iteritems(self._isbn_to_identifier_cache):
if q == id_:
yield isbn
def cache_isbn_to_identifier(self, isbn, identifier):
with self.cache_lock:
self._isbn_to_identifier_cache[isbn] = identifier
def cached_isbn_to_identifier(self, isbn):
with self.cache_lock:
return self._isbn_to_identifier_cache.get(isbn, None)
def cache_identifier_to_cover_url(self, id_, url):
with self.cache_lock:
self._identifier_to_cover_url_cache[id_] = url
def cached_identifier_to_cover_url(self, id_):
with self.cache_lock:
return self._identifier_to_cover_url_cache.get(id_, None)
def dump_caches(self):
with self.cache_lock:
return {'isbn_to_identifier':self._isbn_to_identifier_cache.copy(),
def load_caches(self, dump):
with self.cache_lock:
# }}}
# Utility functions {{{
def get_author_tokens(self, authors, only_first_author=True):
Take a list of authors and return a list of tokens useful for an
AND search query. This function tries to return tokens in
first name middle names last name order, by assuming that if a comma is
in the author name, the name is in lastname, other names form.
if authors:
# Leave ' in there for Irish names
remove_pat = re.compile(r'[!@#$%^&*()()「」{}`~"\s\[\]/]')
replace_pat = re.compile(r'[-+.:;,,。;:]')
if only_first_author:
authors = authors[:1]
for au in authors:
has_comma = ',' in au
au = replace_pat.sub(' ', au)
parts = au.split()
if has_comma:
# au probably in ln, fn form
parts = parts[1:] + parts[:1]
for tok in parts:
tok = remove_pat.sub('', tok).strip()
if len(tok) > 2 and tok.lower() not in ('von', 'van',
yield tok
def get_title_tokens(self, title, strip_joiners=True, strip_subtitle=False):
Take a title and return a list of tokens useful for an AND search query.
Excludes connectives(optionally) and punctuation.
if title:
# strip sub-titles
if strip_subtitle:
subtitle = re.compile(r'([\(\[\{].*?[\)\]\}]|[/:\\].*$)')
if len(subtitle.sub('', title)) > 1:
title = subtitle.sub('', title)
title_patterns = [(re.compile(pat, re.IGNORECASE), repl) for pat, repl in
# Remove things like: (2010) (Omnibus) etc.
(r'(?i)[({\[](\d{4}|omnibus|anthology|hardcover|audiobook|audio\scd|paperback|turtleback|mass\s*market|edition|ed\.)[\])}]', ''),
# Remove any strings that contain the substring edition inside
# parentheses
(r'(?i)[({\[].*?(edition|ed.).*?[\]})]', ''),
# Remove commas used a separators in numbers
(r'(\d+),(\d+)', r'\1\2'),
# Remove hyphens only if they have whitespace before them
(r'(\s-)', ' '),
# Replace other special chars with a space
(r'''[:,;!@$%^&*(){}.`~"\s\[\]/]《》「」“”''', ' '),
for pat, repl in title_patterns:
title = pat.sub(repl, title)
tokens = title.split()
for token in tokens:
token = token.strip().strip('"').strip("'")
if token and (not strip_joiners or token.lower() not in ('a',
'and', 'the', '&')):
yield token
def split_jobs(self, jobs, num):
'Split a list of jobs into at most num groups, as evenly as possible'
groups = [[] for i in range(num)]
jobs = list(jobs)
while jobs:
for gr in groups:
job = jobs.pop()
except IndexError:
return [g for g in groups if g]
def test_fields(self, mi):
Return the first field from self.touched_fields that is null on the
mi object
for key in self.touched_fields:
if key.startswith('identifier:'):
key = key.partition(':')[-1]
if not mi.has_identifier(key):
return 'identifier: ' + key
elif mi.is_null(key):
return key
def download_multiple_covers(self, title, authors, urls, get_best_cover, timeout, result_queue, abort, log, prefs_name='max_covers'):
if not urls:
log('No images found for, title: %r and authors: %r'%(title, authors))
import time
from threading import Thread
if prefs_name:
urls = urls[:self.prefs[prefs_name]]
if get_best_cover:
urls = urls[:1]
log('Downloading %d covers'%len(urls))
workers = [Thread(target=self.download_image, args=(u, timeout, log, result_queue)) for u in urls]
for w in workers:
w.daemon = True
alive = True
start_time = time.time()
while alive and not abort.is_set() and time.time() - start_time < timeout:
alive = False
for w in workers:
if w.is_alive():
alive = True
def download_image(self, url, timeout, log, result_queue):
ans = self.browser.open_novisit(url, timeout=timeout).read()
result_queue.put((self, ans))
log('Downloaded cover from: %s'%url)
except Exception:
self.log.exception('Failed to download cover from: %r'%url)
# }}}
# Metadata API {{{
def get_book_url(self, identifiers):
Return a 3-tuple or None. The 3-tuple is of the form:
(identifier_type, identifier_value, URL).
The URL is the URL for the book identified by identifiers at this
source. identifier_type, identifier_value specify the identifier
corresponding to the URL.
This URL must be browsable to by a human using a browser. It is meant
to provide a clickable link for the user to easily visit the books page
at this source.
If no URL is found, return None. This method must be quick, and
consistent, so only implement it if it is possible to construct the URL
from a known scheme given identifiers.
def get_book_url_name(self, idtype, idval, url):
Return a human readable name from the return value of get_book_url().
return self.name
def get_book_urls(self, identifiers):
Override this method if you would like to return multiple URLs for this book.
Return a list of 3-tuples. By default this method simply calls :func:`get_book_url`.
data = self.get_book_url(identifiers)
if data is None:
return ()
return (data,)
def get_cached_cover_url(self, identifiers):
Return cached cover URL for the book identified by
the identifiers dictionary or None if no such URL exists.
Note that this method must only return validated URLs, i.e. not URLS
that could result in a generic cover image or a not found error.
def id_from_url(self, url):
Parse a URL and return a tuple of the form:
(identifier_type, identifier_value).
If the URL does not match the pattern for the metadata source,
return None.
def identify_results_keygen(self, title=None, authors=None,
Return a function that is used to generate a key that can sort Metadata
objects by their relevance given a search query (title, authors,
These keys are used to sort the results of a call to :meth:`identify`.
For details on the default algorithm see
:class:`InternalMetadataCompareKeyGen`. Re-implement this function in
your plugin if the default algorithm is not suitable.
def keygen(mi):
return InternalMetadataCompareKeyGen(mi, self, title, authors,
return keygen
def identify(self, log, result_queue, abort, title=None, authors=None,
identifiers={}, timeout=30):
Identify a book by its Title/Author/ISBN/etc.
If identifiers(s) are specified and no match is found and this metadata
source does not store all related identifiers (for example, all ISBNs
of a book), this method should retry with just the title and author
(assuming they were specified).
If this metadata source also provides covers, the URL to the cover
should be cached so that a subsequent call to the get covers API with
the same ISBN/special identifier does not need to get the cover URL
again. Use the caching API for this.
Every Metadata object put into result_queue by this method must have a
`source_relevance` attribute that is an integer indicating the order in
which the results were returned by the metadata source for this query.
This integer will be used by :meth:`compare_identify_results`. If the
order is unimportant, set it to zero for every result.
Make sure that any cover/ISBN mapping information is cached before the
Metadata object is put into result_queue.
:param log: A log object, use it to output debugging information/errors
:param result_queue: A result Queue, results should be put into it.
Each result is a Metadata object
:param abort: If abort.is_set() returns True, abort further processing
and return as soon as possible
:param title: The title of the book, can be None
:param authors: A list of authors of the book, can be None
:param identifiers: A dictionary of other identifiers, most commonly
:param timeout: Timeout in seconds, no network request should hang for
longer than timeout.
:return: None if no errors occurred, otherwise a unicode representation
of the error suitable for showing to the user
def download_cover(self, log, result_queue, abort,
title=None, authors=None, identifiers={}, timeout=30, get_best_cover=False):
Download a cover and put it into result_queue. The parameters all have
the same meaning as for :meth:`identify`. Put (self, cover_data) into
This method should use cached cover URLs for efficiency whenever
possible. When cached data is not present, most plugins simply call
identify and use its results.
If the parameter get_best_cover is True and this plugin can get
multiple covers, it should only get the "best" one.
# }}}