#!/usr/bin/env python
__license__ = 'GPL v3'
__copyright__ = '2014, Kovid Goyal <kovid at kovidgoyal.net>'
from tinycss.fonts3 import parse_font, parse_font_family, serialize_font, serialize_font_family
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.base import css_text
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.normalize_css import normalize_font
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.polish.container import OEB_DOCS, OEB_STYLES
from polyglot.builtins import iteritems
def unquote(x):
if x and len(x) > 1 and x[0] == x[-1] and x[0] in ('"', "'"):
x = x[1:-1]
return x
def font_family_data_from_declaration(style, families):
font_families = []
f = style.getProperty('font')
if f is not None:
f = normalize_font(f.propertyValue, font_family_as_list=True).get('font-family', None)
if f is not None:
font_families = [unquote(x) for x in f]
f = style.getProperty('font-family')
if f is not None:
font_families = parse_font_family(css_text(f.propertyValue))
for f in font_families:
families[f] = families.get(f, False)
def font_family_data_from_sheet(sheet, families):
for rule in sheet.cssRules:
if rule.type == rule.STYLE_RULE:
font_family_data_from_declaration(rule.style, families)
elif rule.type == rule.FONT_FACE_RULE:
ff = rule.style.getProperty('font-family')
if ff is not None:
for f in parse_font_family(css_text(ff.propertyValue)):
families[f] = True
def font_family_data(container):
families = {}
for name, mt in iteritems(container.mime_map):
if mt in OEB_STYLES:
sheet = container.parsed(name)
font_family_data_from_sheet(sheet, families)
elif mt in OEB_DOCS:
root = container.parsed(name)
for style in root.xpath('//*[local-name() = "style"]'):
if style.text and style.get('type', 'text/css').lower() == 'text/css':
sheet = container.parse_css(style.text)
font_family_data_from_sheet(sheet, families)
for style in root.xpath('//*/@style'):
if style:
style = container.parse_css(style, is_declaration=True)
font_family_data_from_declaration(style, families)
return families
def change_font_in_declaration(style, old_name, new_name=None):
changed = False
ff = style.getProperty('font-family')
if ff is not None:
fams = parse_font_family(css_text(ff.propertyValue))
nfams = list(filter(None, [new_name if x == old_name else x for x in fams]))
if fams != nfams:
if nfams:
ff.propertyValue.cssText = serialize_font_family(nfams)
changed = True
ff = style.getProperty('font')
if ff is not None:
props = parse_font(css_text(ff.propertyValue))
fams = props.get('font-family') or []
nfams = list(filter(None, [new_name if x == old_name else x for x in fams]))
if fams != nfams:
props['font-family'] = nfams
if nfams:
ff.propertyValue.cssText = serialize_font(props)
changed = True
return changed
def remove_embedded_font(container, sheet, rule, sheet_name):
src = getattr(rule.style.getProperty('src'), 'value', None)
if src is not None:
if src.startswith('url('):
src = src[4:-1]
if src:
src = unquote(src)
name = container.href_to_name(src, sheet_name)
if container.has_name(name):
def change_font_in_sheet(container, sheet, old_name, new_name, sheet_name):
changed = False
removals = []
for rule in sheet.cssRules:
if rule.type == rule.STYLE_RULE:
changed |= change_font_in_declaration(rule.style, old_name, new_name)
elif rule.type == rule.FONT_FACE_RULE:
ff = rule.style.getProperty('font-family')
if ff is not None:
families = set(parse_font_family(css_text(ff.propertyValue)))
if old_name in families:
changed = True
for rule in reversed(removals):
remove_embedded_font(container, sheet, rule, sheet_name)
return changed
def change_font(container, old_name, new_name=None):
Change a font family from old_name to new_name. Changes all occurrences of
the font family in stylesheets, style tags and style attributes.
If the old_name refers to an embedded font, it is removed. You can set
new_name to None to remove the font family instead of changing it.
changed = False
for name, mt in tuple(iteritems(container.mime_map)):
if mt in OEB_STYLES:
sheet = container.parsed(name)
if change_font_in_sheet(container, sheet, old_name, new_name, name):
changed = True
elif mt in OEB_DOCS:
root = container.parsed(name)
for style in root.xpath('//*[local-name() = "style"]'):
if style.text and style.get('type', 'text/css').lower() == 'text/css':
sheet = container.parse_css(style.text)
if change_font_in_sheet(container, sheet, old_name, new_name, name):
changed = True
for elem in root.xpath('//*[@style]'):
style = elem.get('style', '')
if style:
style = container.parse_css(style, is_declaration=True)
if change_font_in_declaration(style, old_name, new_name):
style = css_text(style).strip().rstrip(';').strip()
if style:
elem.set('style', style)
del elem.attrib['style']
changed = True
return changed