Source code for calibre.gui2.preferences

#!/usr/bin/env python

__license__   = 'GPL v3'
__copyright__ = '2010, Kovid Goyal <>'
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

import textwrap

from qt.core import (

from calibre.customize.ui import preferences_plugins
from calibre.gui2.complete2 import EditWithComplete
from calibre.gui2.widgets import HistoryLineEdit
from calibre.utils.config import ConfigProxy
from polyglot.builtins import string_or_bytes

class AbortCommit(Exception):

class AbortInitialize(Exception):

[docs] class ConfigWidgetInterface: ''' This class defines the interface that all widgets displayed in the Preferences dialog must implement. See :class:`ConfigWidgetBase` for a base class that implements this interface and defines various convenience methods as well. ''' #: This signal must be emitted whenever the user changes a value in this #: widget changed_signal = None #: Set to True iff the :meth:`restore_to_defaults` method is implemented. supports_restoring_to_defaults = True #: The tooltip for the "Restore defaults" button restore_defaults_desc = _('Restore settings to default values. ' 'You have to click Apply to actually save the default settings.') #: If True the Preferences dialog will not allow the user to set any more #: preferences. Only has effect if :meth:`commit` returns True. restart_critical = False
[docs] def genesis(self, gui): ''' Called once before the widget is displayed, should perform any necessary setup. :param gui: The main calibre graphical user interface ''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def initialize(self): ''' Should set all config values to their initial values (the values stored in the config files). A "return" statement is optional. Return False if the dialog is not to be shown. ''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def restore_defaults(self): ''' Should set all config values to their defaults. ''' pass
[docs] def commit(self): ''' Save any changed settings. Return True if the changes require a restart, False otherwise. Raise an :class:`AbortCommit` exception to indicate that an error occurred. You are responsible for giving the user feedback about what the error is and how to correct it. ''' return False
[docs] def refresh_gui(self, gui): ''' Called once after this widget is committed. Responsible for causing the gui to reread any changed settings. Note that by default the GUI re-initializes various elements anyway, so most widgets won't need to use this method. ''' pass
[docs] def initial_tab_changed(self): ''' Called if the initially displayed tab is changed before the widget is shown, but after it is initialized. ''' pass
def do_on_child_tabs(self, method, *args): r = False for t in self.child_tabs: lazy_init_called = getattr(t, 'lazy_init_called', True) if method in ('commit', 'refresh_gui') and not lazy_init_called: continue if method == 'restore_defaults' and not lazy_init_called: if hasattr(t, 'lazy_initialize'): t.lazy_initialize() t.lazy_init_called = True r = r | bool(getattr(t, method)(*args)) return r
def set_help_tips(gui_obj, tt): if tt: if not str(gui_obj.whatsThis()): gui_obj.setWhatsThis(tt) if not str(gui_obj.statusTip()): gui_obj.setStatusTip(tt) tt = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(tt, 70)) gui_obj.setToolTip(tt) class Setting: CHOICES_SEARCH_FLAGS = Qt.MatchFlag.MatchExactly | Qt.MatchFlag.MatchCaseSensitive def __init__(self, name, config_obj, widget, gui_name=None, empty_string_is_None=True, choices=None, restart_required=False):, self.gui_name = name, gui_name self.empty_string_is_None = empty_string_is_None self.restart_required = restart_required self.choices = choices if gui_name is None: self.gui_name = 'opt_'+name self.config_obj = config_obj self.gui_obj = getattr(widget, self.gui_name) self.widget = widget if isinstance(self.gui_obj, QCheckBox): self.datatype = 'bool' self.gui_obj.stateChanged.connect(self.changed) elif isinstance(self.gui_obj, QAbstractSpinBox): self.datatype = 'number' self.gui_obj.valueChanged.connect(self.changed) elif isinstance(self.gui_obj, (QLineEdit, HistoryLineEdit)): self.datatype = 'string' self.gui_obj.textChanged.connect(self.changed) if isinstance(self.gui_obj, HistoryLineEdit): self.gui_obj.initialize('preferences_setting_' + elif isinstance(self.gui_obj, QComboBox): self.datatype = 'choice' self.gui_obj.editTextChanged.connect(self.changed) self.gui_obj.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.changed) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown data type {self.gui_obj.__class__}') if isinstance(self.config_obj, ConfigProxy) and \ not str(self.gui_obj.toolTip()): h = if h: self.gui_obj.setToolTip(h) tt = str(self.gui_obj.toolTip()) set_help_tips(self.gui_obj, tt) def changed(self, *args): self.widget.changed_signal.emit() def initialize(self): self.gui_obj.blockSignals(True) if self.datatype == 'choice': choices = self.choices or [] if isinstance(self.gui_obj, EditWithComplete): self.gui_obj.all_items = choices else: self.gui_obj.clear() for x in choices: if isinstance(x, string_or_bytes): x = (x, x) self.gui_obj.addItem(x[0], (x[1])) self.set_gui_val(self.get_config_val(default=False)) self.gui_obj.blockSignals(False) self.initial_value = self.get_gui_val() def commit(self): val = self.get_gui_val() oldval = self.get_config_val() changed = val != oldval if changed: self.set_config_val(self.get_gui_val()) return changed and self.restart_required def restore_defaults(self): self.set_gui_val(self.get_config_val(default=True)) def get_config_val(self, default=False): if default: val = self.config_obj.defaults[] else: val = self.config_obj[] return val def set_config_val(self, val): self.config_obj[] = val def set_gui_val(self, val): if self.datatype == 'bool': self.gui_obj.setChecked(bool(val)) elif self.datatype == 'number': self.gui_obj.setValue(val) elif self.datatype == 'string': self.gui_obj.setText(val if val else '') elif self.datatype == 'choice': if isinstance(self.gui_obj, EditWithComplete): self.gui_obj.setText(val) else: idx = self.gui_obj.findData((val), role=Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole, flags=self.CHOICES_SEARCH_FLAGS) if idx == -1: idx = 0 self.gui_obj.setCurrentIndex(idx) def get_gui_val(self): if self.datatype == 'bool': val = bool(self.gui_obj.isChecked()) elif self.datatype == 'number': val = self.gui_obj.value() elif self.datatype == 'string': val = str(self.gui_obj.text()).strip() if self.empty_string_is_None and not val: val = None elif self.datatype == 'choice': if isinstance(self.gui_obj, EditWithComplete): val = str(self.gui_obj.text()) else: idx = self.gui_obj.currentIndex() if idx < 0: idx = 0 val = str(self.gui_obj.itemData(idx) or '') return val class CommaSeparatedList(Setting): def set_gui_val(self, val): x = '' if val: x = ', '.join(val) self.gui_obj.setText(x) def get_gui_val(self): val = str(self.gui_obj.text()).strip() ans = [] if val: ans = [x.strip() for x in val.split(',')] ans = [x for x in ans if x] return ans
[docs] class ConfigWidgetBase(QWidget, ConfigWidgetInterface): ''' Base class that contains code to easily add standard config widgets like checkboxes, combo boxes, text fields and so on. See the :meth:`register` method. This class automatically handles change notification, resetting to default, translation between gui objects and config objects, etc. for registered settings. If your config widget inherits from this class but includes setting that are not registered, you should override the :class:`ConfigWidgetInterface` methods and call the base class methods inside the overrides. ''' changed_signal = pyqtSignal() restart_now = pyqtSignal() supports_restoring_to_defaults = True restart_critical = False def __init__(self, parent=None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) if hasattr(self, 'setupUi'): self.setupUi(self) self.settings = {} self.child_tabs = [] for v in self.__dict__.values(): if isinstance(v, LazyConfigWidgetBase): self.child_tabs.append(v)
[docs] def register(self, name, config_obj, gui_name=None, choices=None, restart_required=False, empty_string_is_None=True, setting=Setting): ''' Register a setting. :param name: The setting name :param config_obj: The config object that reads/writes the setting :param gui_name: The name of the GUI object that presents an interface to change the setting. By default it is assumed to be ``'opt_' + name``. :param choices: If this setting is a multiple choice (combobox) based setting, the list of choices. The list is a list of two element tuples of the form: ``[(gui name, value), ...]`` :param setting: The class responsible for managing this setting. The default class handles almost all cases, so this param is rarely used. ''' setting = setting(name, config_obj, self, gui_name=gui_name, choices=choices, restart_required=restart_required, empty_string_is_None=empty_string_is_None) return self.register_setting(setting)
def register_setting(self, setting): self.settings[] = setting return setting
[docs] def initialize(self): for setting in self.settings.values(): setting.initialize()
[docs] def commit(self, *args): restart_required = False for setting in self.settings.values(): rr = setting.commit() if rr: restart_required = True return restart_required
[docs] def restore_defaults(self, *args): for setting in self.settings.values(): setting.restore_defaults()
def register_child_tab(self, tab): self.child_tabs.append(tab)
def get_plugin(category, name): for plugin in preferences_plugins(): if plugin.category == category and == name: return plugin raise ValueError( f'No Preferences Plugin with category: {category} and name: {name} found') class LazyConfigWidgetBase(ConfigWidgetBase): ''' Use this for dialogs that are tabs, accessed either from the left or on the top. It directly replaces ConfigWidgetBase, supporting the lazy operations. ''' def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.lazy_init_called = False def set_changed_signal(self, changed_signal): self.changed_signal.connect(changed_signal) def showEvent(self, event): # called when the widget is actually displays. We can't do something like # lazy_genesis because Qt does "things" before showEvent() is called. In # particular, the register function doesn't work with combo boxes if # genesis isn't called before everything else. Why is a mystery. if not self.lazy_init_called: if hasattr(self, 'lazy_initialize'): self.lazy_initialize() self.lazy_init_called = True super().showEvent(event) class ConfigDialog(QDialog): def set_widget(self, w): self.w = w def accept(self): try: self.restart_required = self.w.commit() except AbortCommit: return QDialog.accept(self) def init_gui(): from calibre.gui2.main import option_parser from calibre.gui2.ui import Main from calibre.library import db parser = option_parser() opts, args = parser.parse_args([]) actions = tuple(Main.create_application_menubar()) db = db() gui = Main(opts) gui.initialize(db.library_path, db, actions, show_gui=False) return gui def show_config_widget(category, name, gui=None, show_restart_msg=False, parent=None, never_shutdown=False): ''' Show the preferences plugin identified by category and name :param gui: gui instance, if None a hidden gui is created :param show_restart_msg: If True and the preferences plugin indicates a restart is required, show a message box telling the user to restart :param parent: The parent of the displayed dialog :return: True iff a restart is required for the changes made by the user to take effect ''' from calibre.gui2 import gprefs pl = get_plugin(category, name) d = ConfigDialog(parent) d.resize(750, 550) conf_name = f'config_widget_dialog_geometry_{category}_{name}' d.setWindowTitle(_('Configure ') + pl.gui_name) d.setWindowIcon(QIcon.ic('config.png')) bb = QDialogButtonBox(d) bb.setStandardButtons(QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Apply|QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Cancel|QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.RestoreDefaults) bb.accepted.connect(d.accept) bb.rejected.connect(d.reject) w = pl.create_widget(d) d.set_widget(w) bb.button(QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.RestoreDefaults).clicked.connect(w.restore_defaults) bb.button(QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.RestoreDefaults).setEnabled(w.supports_restoring_to_defaults) bb.button(QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Apply).setEnabled(False) bb.button(QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Apply).clicked.connect(d.accept) def onchange(): b = bb.button(QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Apply) b.setEnabled(True) b.setDefault(True) b.setAutoDefault(True) w.changed_signal.connect(onchange) bb.button(QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Cancel).setFocus(Qt.FocusReason.OtherFocusReason) l = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(l) l.addWidget(w) l.addWidget(bb) mygui = gui is None if gui is None: gui = init_gui() mygui = True w.genesis(gui) w.do_on_child_tabs('genesis', gui) w.initialize() w.do_on_child_tabs('initialize') d.restore_geometry(gprefs, conf_name) d.exec() d.save_geometry(gprefs, conf_name) rr = getattr(d, 'restart_required', False) if show_restart_msg and rr: from calibre.gui2 import warning_dialog warning_dialog(gui, 'Restart required', 'Restart required', show=True) if mygui and not never_shutdown: gui.shutdown() return rr class ListViewWithMoveByKeyPress(QListView): def set_movement_functions(self, up_function, down_function): self.up_function = up_function self.down_function = down_function def event(self, event): if (event.type() == QEvent.KeyPress and QApplication.keyboardModifiers() == Qt.KeyboardModifier.ControlModifier): if event.key() == Qt.Key.Key_Up: self.up_function() elif event.key() == Qt.Key.Key_Down: self.down_function() return True return QListView.event(self, event) class ListWidgetWithMoveByKeyPress(QListWidget): def set_movement_functions(self, up_function, down_function): self.up_function = up_function self.down_function = down_function def event(self, event): if (event.type() == QEvent.KeyPress and QApplication.keyboardModifiers() == Qt.KeyboardModifier.ControlModifier): if event.key() == Qt.Key.Key_Up: self.up_function() elif event.key() == Qt.Key.Key_Down: self.down_function() return True return QListWidget.event(self, event) class TableWidgetWithMoveByKeyPress(QTableWidget): def set_movement_functions(self, up_function, down_function): self.up_function = up_function self.down_function = down_function def event(self, event): if (event.type() == QEvent.KeyPress and QApplication.keyboardModifiers() == Qt.KeyboardModifier.ControlModifier): if event.key() == Qt.Key.Key_Up: self.up_function() elif event.key() == Qt.Key.Key_Down: self.down_function() return True return QTableWidget.event(self, event) # Testing {{{ def test_widget(category, name, gui=None): show_config_widget(category, name, gui=gui, show_restart_msg=True) def test_all(): from qt.core import QApplication app = QApplication([]) app gui = init_gui() for plugin in preferences_plugins(): test_widget(plugin.category,, gui=gui) gui.shutdown() if __name__ == '__main__': test_all() # }}}