.. _xpath-tutorial: XPath Tutorial ============== In this tutorial, you will be given a gentle introduction to `XPath `_, a query language that can be used to select arbitrary parts of `HTML `_ documents in calibre. XPath is a widely used standard, and googling it will yield a ton of information. This tutorial, however, focuses on using XPath for ebook related tasks like finding chapter headings in an unstructured HTML document. .. contents:: Contents :depth: 1 :local: Selecting by tagname ---------------------------------------- The simplest form of selection is to select tags by name. For example, suppose you want to select all the ``

`` tags in a document. The XPath query for this is simply:: //h:h2 (Selects all

tags) The prefix `//` means *search at any level of the document*. Now suppose you want to search for ```` tags that are inside ```` tags. That can be achieved with:: //h:a/h:span (Selects tags inside tags) If you want to search for tags at a particular level in the document, change the prefix:: /h:body/h:div/h:p (Selects

tags that are children of

tags that are children of the tag) This will match only ``

A very short ebook to demonstrate the use of XPath.

`` in the :ref:`sample_ebook` but not any of the other ``

`` tags. The ``h:`` prefix in the above examples is needed to match XHTML tags. This is because internally, calibre represents all content as XHTML. In XHTML tags have a *namespace*, and ``h:`` is the namespace prefix for HTML tags. Now suppose you want to select both ``

`` and ``

`` tags. To do that, we need a XPath construct called *predicate*. A :dfn:`predicate` is simply a test that is used to select tags. Tests can be arbitrarily powerful and as this tutorial progresses, you will see more powerful examples. A predicate is created by enclosing the test expression in square brackets:: //*[name()='h1' or name()='h2'] There are several new features in this XPath expression. The first is the use of the wildcard ``*``. It means *match any tag*. Now look at the test expression ``name()='h1' or name()='h2'``. :term:`name()` is an example of a *built-in function*. It simply evaluates to the name of the tag. So by using it, we can select tags whose names are either `h1` or `h2`. Note that the :term:`name()` function ignores namespaces so that there is no need for the ``h:`` prefix. XPath has several useful built-in functions. A few more will be introduced in this tutorial. Selecting by attributes ----------------------- To select tags based on their attributes, the use of predicates is required:: //*[@style] (Select all tags that have a style attribute) //*[@class="chapter"] (Select all tags that have class="chapter") //h:h1[@class="bookTitle"] (Select all h1 tags that have class="bookTitle") Here, the ``@`` operator refers to the attributes of the tag. You can use some of the `XPath built-in functions`_ to perform more sophisticated matching on attribute values. Selecting by tag content ------------------------ Using XPath, you can even select tags based on the text they contain. The best way to do this is to use the power of *regular expressions* via the built-in function :term:`re:test()`:: //h:h2[re:test(., 'chapter|section', 'i')] (Selects

tags that contain the words chapter or section) Here the ``.`` operator refers to the contents of the tag, just as the ``@`` operator referred to its attributes. .. _sample_ebook : Sample ebook ------------ .. literalinclude:: xpath.xhtml :language: html XPath built-in functions ------------------------ .. glossary:: name() The name of the current tag. contains() ``contains(s1, s2)`` returns `true` if s1 contains s2. re:test() ``re:test(src, pattern, flags)`` returns `true` if the string `src` matches the regular expression `pattern`. A particularly useful flag is ``i``, it makes matching case insensitive. A good primer on the syntax for regular expressions can be found at `regexp syntax `_